Use of Growth Hormone, IGF-I, and Insulin for Anabolic Purpose: Pharmacological Basis, Methods of Detection, and Adverse Effects

I have felt this, what this article says, to be true for a very long time. GH is way overrated, should never even be considered by anyone not competing (unless you just have excess $). In the article GH is referred to in MGS. If you multiply MG by .67 you will get equivalent IUs.
It states what I always knew. GH alone does about nothing, maybe burn some fat. Gh with anabolic steroids will not do anything unless used over a very long period of time. Year or more.
Insulin, that you can get for $25 is more anabolic than GH. Just need to watch when its taken and it can make you fat if you lean in that direction. 12.5 mcgs of T3 will take care of that.
Also, the doses I have heard being used are just not very smart in any way. 8-20 IUs a day. After about 4 you are completely wasting the drug, upping the sides, doing yourself no good at all and making the chances you end up lean but pregnant looking very, very high.
I am very skeptical of GH. I think the only real way for it to make any significant difference is to use 4 ius a day with 10IUs insulin(regular insulin) after training along with a small dose of thyroid(t3) and anabolic steroids. Over a period of many Months not weeks.

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