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    Thread: Do You Love or Hate Tren?

    1. #46
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      • Do You Love or Hate Tren?
      • Do You Love or Hate Tren?
      • Do You Love or Hate Tren?
      • Do You Love or Hate Tren?
      Tren will always be the Shao Kahn of gear.
      Always at the top of the mountain but can be beaten with the right combo.

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    2. #47
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      Default Re: Do You Love or Hate Tren?

      Quote Originally Posted by pgc640 View Post
      You pretty much agree with me on just about everything from what I've seen. I believe we are around the same age maybe that has something to do with it, experience.

      Someone using Tren A for the first time can gain on 25 mgs a day. No doubt about that. It's just never a talked about dose so people automatically think 75, 100, 50 the lowest.

      I, usually, if I use tren A(IMO Tren A is the best form of tren out there. The Hex going around I have tried and it is not at all the same thing as the old Negma parabolan. I have a very good friend who runs a fairly large manufacturing operation. He did explain to me the difference, what they have now, according to him is not the same exact drug that Negma sold under the name Parabolon. I'll ask him again and clarify that. The old Negma para is, by far, the best drug, period, I have ever used and all you needed was about 152 mgs a week). 25 mgs a day is 175 mgs of tren ace a week. If you are using it for the first time take that with 500 or so mgs of straight test, not a blend like sust, and maybe add an oral like dbol, anadrol, superdrol and you will grow like a weed. At 25 mgs a day it is very unlikely you get any of those, horrible, always talked about side effects that scare people away from Tren completely. For most, yes some are more sensitive, but for most even at 75 a day you should tolerate it pretty well. Once you get into the 100 mg a day range is when most start getting the sides you hear about but not everyone. It all depends on your body though so Guns is correct. Do a run with just 25 mgs a day, see how you handle it. If you are fine you can try 50 the next time. That may be all you need. Tren is usually taken at too high of a dose so your best bet is to start very low and figure out what dose is optimal for you. The goal should be to find the dose at which you get the best gains without getting side effects that are so bothersome they affect your life.

      Sent from my SM-A207M using Tapatalk
      not many of us still running around with experience of actual para. 76mg m w f and call it a day. the feel and how your body changes is unbelievable. i was lucky enough to do tours around the med when you could still roll into the pharms and buy it. got so bad that when we started low we would run half dose m w f just to make the amps last longer haha. not that i would attempt it today but we used to bring back 100s of amps with us off of deployments. man those were the days
      TGBSupplements REP


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    3. #48
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      Default Re: Do You Love or Hate Tren?

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      not many of us still running around with experience of actual para. 76mg m w f and call it a day. the feel and how your body changes is unbelievable. i was lucky enough to do tours around the med when you could still roll into the pharms and buy it. got so bad that when we started low we would run half dose m w f just to make the amps last longer haha. not that i would attempt it today but we used to bring back 100s of amps with us off of deployments. man those were the days
      Damn, I'm not sure how much I would pay for a hundred amps of old parabolan. I would go pretty high though.
      Awesome drug.

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    4. #49
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      Default Re: Do You Love or Hate Tren?

      Quote Originally Posted by shooter View Post
      i know a 56 year old guy that does tren and his only complaint was high BP and a little mood swings here and there so i wonder if he is just to old, but again everyone is differant.
      It is the individual.

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    5. #50
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      Default Re: Do You Love or Hate Tren?

      Quote Originally Posted by pgc640 View Post
      Damn, I'm not sure how much I would pay for a hundred amps of old parabolan. I would go pretty high though.
      Awesome drug.

      Sent from my SM-A207M using Tapatalk
      back in those days over there the were only about 4-6 bucks a piece haha. you could get the sust and 2ml organon deca bottles for 1-2 bucks as well. greece spain and croatia were the best. some middle eastern countries were also good to go. a little harder in france but do able same with italy. you can probably still do it today but in most countries if one of your buddies dont speak the language all you had to do was find a good cab driver give him 50 bucks and promise to use him the whole time you were there and they would go in and buy you anything you wanted
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    6. #51
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      Default Re: Do You Love or Hate Tren?

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      back in those days over there the were only about 4-6 bucks a piece haha. you could get the sust and 2ml organon deca bottles for 1-2 bucks as well. greece spain and croatia were the best. some middle eastern countries were also good to go. a little harder in france but do able same with italy. you can probably still do it today but in most countries if one of your buddies dont speak the language all you had to do was find a good cab driver give him 50 bucks and promise to use him the whole time you were there and they would go in and buy you anything you wanted
      The biggest place that I knew guys , dealers, were actually flying to then mailing back stuff was some country called Andorra?? I think it is somewhere near France. I have no idea if its still possible get anything there but then I had been told it was, by far, the best place to go.

      But, I did know there were many countries you could just buy Pharma grade stuff at ridiculously low prices. There still are just not as many.

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    7. #52
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      Default Re: Do You Love or Hate Tren?

      Quote Originally Posted by PUMPED View Post
      Truth be told I ran some tren E last year and it worked great bro. Being in my 40's and because it worked so well I am just playing it safe.
      Yeah, I'm 51 and 200mg tren E, 200mg Mast E weekly. No sides, great results.

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    8. #53
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      Default Re: Do You Love or Hate Tren?

      Quote Originally Posted by thedoctorherb View Post
      Yeah, I'm 51 and 200mg tren E, 200mg Mast E weekly. No sides, great results.

      Sent from my SM-N950U using Fitnessgeared mobile app
      Most of the time, unless it's a high strung, already violent, quick to flip, guy it can be tolerated well at a reasonable but still effective dose.
      EFFECTIVE DOSE. What I see being used is usually just too much. Tren is very, very strong. I consider 100 mgs a day a ridiculously high dose and of course you will deal with all the bullshit side effects. Try, using, acetate, 50 mgs every other day. Just try it. If it's a good, correctly dosed product you will be shocked at the gains you will make with little to no sides. People react so differently to everything but I have never seen that dose not work.
      The Enanthate, 300 MGS a week. Parabolen, I really have no idea. I am old enough that I have used the real, Negma Parabolen. 76.5 MGS per amp. 2 Amps a week and you grew like a weed. The stuff going around now is not the same thing.

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    9. #54
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      Default Re: Do You Love or Hate Tren?

      Quote Originally Posted by pgc640 View Post
      Most of the time, unless it's a high strung, already violent, quick to flip, guy it can be tolerated well at a reasonable but still effective dose.
      EFFECTIVE DOSE. What I see being used is usually just too much. Tren is very, very strong. I consider 100 mgs a day a ridiculously high dose and of course you will deal with all the bullshit side effects. Try, using, acetate, 50 mgs every other day. Just try it. If it's a good, correctly dosed product you will be shocked at the gains you will make with little to no sides. People react so differently to everything but I have never seen that dose not work.
      The Enanthate, 300 MGS a week. Parabolen, I really have no idea. I am old enough that I have used the real, Negma Parabolen. 76.5 MGS per amp. 2 Amps a week and you grew like a weed. The stuff going around now is not the same thing.

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      I agree 110% When i competed in 2013 i was using low doses of tren, prop etc. Most guys laughed and said it wasnt enough and that if i wanted to be bigger i need higher doses. BULL SHIT. I learned the hard way.
      "I don't need the promise of Heaven or the threat of HELL to be a good person"

    10. #55
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      Default Re: Do You Love or Hate Tren?

      Both. I LOVE the results & hate the side effects. I had to stop taking after a couple weeks due to the daily headaches, rages and the fact the I didn't have some days where I felt decent and others where I felt like shit. I felt like shit (physically) the entire couple weeks both times until I stopped taking. I even missed a couple workouts both times I felt so nauseous.

      I laid off a few years after that and decided I needed to jump start my training this spring and hit a plateau that I couldn't shake of late so I figured I'd try it again. Been on for just over 2 weeks and just today, my workout went great. My pump was back, my strength shot up and for the first time this year, my bis were so swone, I couldn't touch my face after my work out.

      I didn't want to leave today and can hardly wait to get back to the gym tomorrow.

      I'd forgotten what that felt like!

      So, right now, I'm lovin' me some tren-a!

    11. #56
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      Default Re: Do You Love or Hate Tren?

      Quote Originally Posted by lex-ttp View Post
      Both. I LOVE the results & hate the side effects. I had to stop taking after a couple weeks due to the daily headaches, rages and the fact the I didn't have some days where I felt decent and others where I felt like shit. I felt like shit (physically) the entire couple weeks both times until I stopped taking. I even missed a couple workouts both times I felt so nauseous.

      I laid off a few years after that and decided I needed to jump start my training this spring and hit a plateau that I couldn't shake of late so I figured I'd try it again. Been on for just over 2 weeks and just today, my workout went great. My pump was back, my strength shot up and for the first time this year, my bis were so swone, I couldn't touch my face after my work out.

      I didn't want to leave today and can hardly wait to get back to the gym tomorrow.

      I'd forgotten what that felt like!

      So, right now, I'm lovin' me some tren-a!
      so i can possibly help with with some of the normal issues that comes with tren use. one you can swap it out with trest ace or deca and elivate the issues entirely. yes trest is 10x or more stronger than tren as long as estro isnt an issue for you. it also doesnt jack up your health markers like tren does. not as harsh but does mess with estro.
      that's one fix. another is to add in 5htp to help with seratonen(sp)production. that's where the rage, insomnia etc.... comes from. i cant give you a dose on it but starting around 100 and increasing till the sides go away. take it about an hour before bed.
      last one is to adjust test dosing down as opposed to raising it up higher, even pulling test out entirely or only using an hrt dose. this can also help get rid of side effects.
      and one final one that some wont do because it is literally a huge pain in the ass is to do daily micro dosing. a combo of the seratonin issues if you get peaks and valleys with the hormone fluctuations going on. this can also create the issues we see. so micro dosing daily will keep levels nice even and stable.
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      • Do You Love or Hate Tren?
      • Do You Love or Hate Tren?
      • Do You Love or Hate Tren?
      Kind of hate tren discussions because being in this scene over 30 years I know what causes these avoidable crazy sides. 100% dose related.
      The last Trenbelone product sold for human use was parabolin by Negma pharmacy France. It came in 1.5 cc amps of 76.5 mgs tren-h. That discontinued early 90's but I was competing then. 2 amps a week or 152 mgs a week was really the most guys would take with unbelievable results, myself included.
      Now look at today,no one uses 150 mgs a week. 100 eod or 100 a day. 300- 700 mgs a week when 150-200 will change your body completely avoiding these debilitating sides that scare people. NOTHINGTO BE SCARED OF. Try 200 mgsa week and see how well it works without the sides.

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