Quote Originally Posted by chris..127 View Post
Hi all. I'm new to steroids so go easy New user concerned about hairloss

I've just started on equipoise, done 300mg on Tuesday, doing 1ml every 6 days then upping to 1.5ml after 4 weeks, adding in sus250 after 6/8 weeks. Ending the eq after 10 weeks and running the sus250 on its own for 3 weeks after that. Any issues with that stack let me know. Also Clomid as a pct should be enough should it?

My biggest concern though is hairloss. I have a forehead the size of a van so I cannot pull off being bald New user concerned about hairloss I know it's very unlikely but I was in the gym earlier and I noticed every time I wiped my head I had hair on my hand. Must of been 5/6 times and it had a follicle on the end of it every time. I can still do it now I run my hand through my hair and always have at least 1 hair come out with a white bit on the end of it when I do it.
I've only done 1ml of eq 4 days ago so I know I'm probably paranoid but can I have your thoughts and best ways to avoid hairloss during and after cycle

Thanks and apologies in advance for my dumb questions

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ok man, if you are concerned big time about hair loss and are hell bent on preventing it then i would stay off supplemental aas point blank period. now with that said you do have options and some have already been hit. what you want to look for is aas that do not convert over to dht which is the main culprit for hair loss. the more dht the more hair will come off. hold up and let me toss in one more thing before i start delving in here. if your family loses their hair ie.... dad grand dad brothers etc.... are going or are bald suck it up because you are going to most likely anyway. now back to the dht thing. do your research on the best compounds that dont convert over to it. test does, mast, provi, primo all are notorious for it. mast will eat your ass up big time. so eq is a good choice and contrary to popular belief you can run it solo and even up to the top end high dosing safely. it is actually a super safe compound to run for most people and their are papers and write ups on it all over the place. so read up my friend and find compounds that agree with you but do not convert and you will be all set.