Quote Originally Posted by dokkanmatryx91 View Post
Thanks for all the info guys it's much appreciated.. I'm now 11 days in to my blast. I went with 500mg test e and I'm just going to keep an eye out for gyno symptoms and then add in adex if needed. I'll keep this posted updated in a few weeks after the effects kick in.

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dont watch for symptoms go get your estro checked after about 3-4 weeks. that will give you an idea of if you need to put estro control in. dex is harsh as all hell and will crush your estro which is counter productive. if you estro doesnt climb up to much you are better off with nolva to combat gyno. i have a guy that i work with that has serious estro issues where they spike really high even on low dose test and .5mg of dex e3d crushes his down to single digits. that in itself causes a host of other issues. so we are playing around with aroma to correct the problem now. all done with blood work every few weeks to iron out whats working and whats not. simple estro test is cheap as all hell and worth it to keep your progress moving in the right direction. esp when blasting because it's hard to push yourself when your dick dont work and your joints are bone dry