Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
shit man, i ran 1g tren 1g mast 100mg prov 100mg provi before a big shows before in the past. no sides at all whatsoever when i kept the test out. not for the faint at heart and i wont do it now. i have figured out in my over 20 years of both trial and error and working with other people that you need to maximize the most out of the minimal. that and staying on top of your blood work health markers. i have done some very crazy shit in my day that i wouldnt advocate at all but you live and learn. i am also fortunate like you and other than bp spiking a bit on some compounds(and i can get it under control easily) i dont get any sides at all other than lipids
I've seen much harsher but, man, that is harsh. How did you feel on 1,000 mgs of tren?



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