i know i'm on the opposite end of most people's advice on this and this is only my practice and i don't suggest it to anyone but my cutter i am running var, winny and halo. i am just about done the first 6 weel run of halo and just started the var last week about 4 weeks into the winny run. i will now run the winny and var til my take off for jamaica in july and the 2nd halo run will start 6 weeks prior to the jly take off date. i only use orals the few months before summer vacation and then don't touch them again til the next year. i have never had issues with liver values on my labs. my hdl does take a nose dive while on orals but resumes to normal within 3-4 weeks post cycle. again this is just me and the same practice might screw someone else up but i'm giving my honest input on solely my practice and experience on this.