Quote Originally Posted by Slayer View Post
I got the results back from my blood test. My Test level is at 3789 ng/dl. Thats on 900mg a week. I think it should be higher at that dosage. So at least the product is consistent.
i would have to ask, how long have you been blasting away for starters. then also what about age? how hard and often are you training, your sleep etc.... all factors that can affect you and how your body metabolizes test and how much is coursing along. the longer you have been hammering away, the lower your numbers are most likely going to be because all your receptors become saturated and your body will just flush out all the extra or convert it to estro. what i would do, is clean out for a few months add in boron at 6mg morn and night and then try it again. see where the numbers land then. just because you add in 300mg more of a dose doesnt necessarily translate into a huge bump though