Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
ran all three together twice in my lifetime and not all three ed. trying to maximize the release with a touch of overlap when combining all three. when running them solo i will adjust the dose to hit the actual weekly numbers daily. i would try damn near any protocol back in my younger days. i have found that keeping blood levels as stable as possible is key regardless of the compound. with tren, no sides whatsoever when dose is adjusted with ed inj. i should have also pointed out that i am a little bigger than average and have been in the game for 20+ years. i compete in the mid to upper 240s and i am usually in the 270s-280s in the off season depending on what point of the year i am in
Actually, what you did made a whole lot of sense. That's why I don't really like that Tri Tren stuff. Because you have to take it as it comes and I never understood that because each releases at such different times it doesn't make much sense taking it all in one shot. What you did getting each separately and taking it at exactly the right time was very smart and probably worked very well. I would actually try that myself to tell you the truth. And actually you've got me thinking about it for the next time I really run some stuff. I just came off like 10 months straight of pretty much blasting so I need to take at least 3-4 months of just relaxing a little bit but after that this sounds like a good idea.