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    Thread: Delayed Ejaculation - sorry for posting this here but this isn't really a forum that covers this one . . .

    1. #1
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      Default Delayed Ejaculation - sorry for posting this here but this isn't really a forum that covers this one . . .

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      • Delayed Ejaculation - sorry for posting this here but this isn't really a forum that covers this one . . .
      • Delayed Ejaculation - sorry for posting this here but this isn't really a forum that covers this one . . .
      • Delayed Ejaculation - sorry for posting this here but this isn't really a forum that covers this one . . .
      • Delayed Ejaculation - sorry for posting this here but this isn't really a forum that covers this one . . .
      • Delayed Ejaculation - sorry for posting this here but this isn't really a forum that covers this one . . .
      • Delayed Ejaculation - sorry for posting this here but this isn't really a forum that covers this one . . .
      I'm 49 yo and haven't been in a serious (bring her home to meet the family) relationship in 10 years. The last one ended badly and I guess I'm just not ready to ever feel like that again. That said, Increasingly since then I was pretty active for the first 5 years then gradually felt less and less like even going out (although the desire to get laid was still there) and I'm to the point now where I go out about once a month. I started anabolics at age 18 (orals for about a year because I didn't like needles) then took it to the next level and haven't looked back. I'm mostly "On" and switch up what I'm taking every 2-3 months and take about a month off every year just to give my body and receptors a break. Back to the problem, I'd was in a dry spell until last week when I visited a friend out of town and ended up taking a 32 yo hot chic back to his house. We went at it for a couple hours (wood was fine) but yet again, I couldn't get there. And of course, every time this happens, the girl gets pissed and thinks it's their fault. Up until 10 years ago, it always took me a little longer to orgasm, whether I was in a relationship or not but I usually got there. Then gradually over last 10 years, I could first orgasm by masturbating with no problem and quickly and getting there with a chic became more and more difficult. I'm now to the point where if I want to rub one out (which I try to do at least twice a week) I need to pack a lunch because it either doesn't happen or if so it takes hours - and that was never something that I couldn't accomplish with ease in only a few minutes! I just read up on delayed ejaculation which I guess I'll call what I'm going through and basically it could be physical, which I don't think it is since nothing physically has changed since this started happening or psychological which I think is more likely. Oh and my libido fluctuates depending on what anabolics I'm on at the time. I do not take deca for this reason. And even though they have a pill for every ill, they do not have for this (but they do have'em for lasting longer!) Anyone else have/ever had this issue? I'm getting to the point where I'm questioning why I kill myself at gym, tan, diet and take anabolics all to look good (for myself of course but also to get more chics) when I can't even reach orgasm most of the time solo and in last 5 years, I don't think I got there once with a girl (and I've had 15-20 opportunities to do so in last 5 years). Any words of wisdom?

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      Default Re: Delayed Ejaculation - sorry for posting this here but this isn't really a forum that covers this one . . .

      57 Years old and can't relate. Having said that there are times when I can't cum. !: To drunk. 2: Red kratom and or pain killers. 3 Already got off 3 times today. It may be a mental thing. Are you telling yourself that you are fucking the hottest chick in the world. 70 percent of getting off is mental just ask any honest woman. Or maybe just maybe you need to have sex with someone you are in love with. The last one ended badly and I guess I'm just not ready to ever feel like that again. Get over it you sound like chic.
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      Default Re: Delayed Ejaculation - sorry for posting this here but this isn't really a forum that covers this one . . .

      Maybe go to a Urologist and have them do some lood work to see how things are. I was going thru that with my girl , but I was on a good cycle . I'm currently off , and I'll tell you that when I got off, it was like I never had an issue.
      I've been off for maybe 2 months now , and I do not say you should do like I did, but I went off cold turkey. NOW , after all that time I'm feeling lethargic, not as horny anymore, alittle on the I don't wanna do shit, side . So I'm going to start up another cycle soon.
      But my suggestion , gonget some bloods done , see what's up . SHIT , go to PrivateMedLabs, have them done without going to the Dr. At least this way you can see what's going on .

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      Default Re: Delayed Ejaculation - sorry for posting this here but this isn't really a forum that covers this one . . .

      Check your prostate should go get it checked out. And it could e what everyone stated, Pain kilers,Mental not excited enough.
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      Default Re: Delayed Ejaculation - sorry for posting this here but this isn't really a forum that covers this one . . .

      If I drink, take mebs like muscle relaxers forget about it. For me a lot has to do with being with my wife for 27 years. There is nothing new to try save stuff i am not willing to do. neither of us look as good as we did when we got together, neither of us give our "A" game. sometimes I just give up and punt the ball rather than try to finish.

      Sucks getting old.
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      Default Re: Delayed Ejaculation - sorry for posting this here but this isn't really a forum that covers this one . . .

      Maybe going totally no fap. No Fap can sometimes work wonders for all of these types of things. It aint easy. The longest I did no fap was 2 months but felt like superman. I went totally No PMO. No Porn, no Masturbation and no Orgasm. When it ended, it was an explosion like a when you were a freshman in high school.
      Go on youtube and search "The benefits of no fap".

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      Default Re: Delayed Ejaculation - sorry for posting this here but this isn't really a forum that covers this one . . .

      Are you taking Tren by any chance? I had the same problem while on Tren. I loved the results of Tren but the sexual sides were too much (Deca was even worse). I find a nice Test cycle with Masteron brings the libido through the roof and ends any ejaculation problems.

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      Default Re: Delayed Ejaculation - sorry for posting this here but this isn't really a forum that covers this one . . .

      Fuzo is right. See a Urologist and have your Prostate checked. They might be able to help or point you in the right direction.

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      Default Re: Delayed Ejaculation - sorry for posting this here but this isn't really a forum that covers this one . . .

      Could be a number of things bro. I agree with Fuzo and say get your prostate checked. Also, if you take any SSRI's... Those can make it almost impossible to finish.
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      Default Re: Delayed Ejaculation - sorry for posting this here but this isn't really a forum that covers this one . . .

      you have been cycling for 30 yrs man. your hpta is gona get a little run down man.

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      Default Re: Delayed Ejaculation - sorry for posting this here but this isn't really a forum that covers this one . . .

      Quote Originally Posted by FUZO View Post
      Check your prostate should go get it checked out. And it could e what everyone stated, Pain kilers,Mental not excited enough.
      If you don’t feel it is at that point just pick up a good prostate supp and give it 30 days.

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      Default Re: Delayed Ejaculation - sorry for posting this here but this isn't really a forum that covers this one . . .


      Prostate could be enlarged

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      Default Re: Delayed Ejaculation - sorry for posting this here but this isn't really a forum that covers this one . . .

      on vicodin i used to take forever to cum. same when i ran deca.
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      Default Re: Delayed Ejaculation - sorry for posting this here but this isn't really a forum that covers this one . . .

      Quote Originally Posted by BigDawg View Post
      on vicodin i used to take forever to cum. same when i ran deca.
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    15. #15
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      Default Re: Delayed Ejaculation - sorry for posting this here but this isn't really a forum that covers this one . . .

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      • Delayed Ejaculation - sorry for posting this here but this isn't really a forum that covers this one . . .
      • Delayed Ejaculation - sorry for posting this here but this isn't really a forum that covers this one . . .

      • Delayed Ejaculation - sorry for posting this here but this isn't really a forum that covers this one . . .
      • Delayed Ejaculation - sorry for posting this here but this isn't really a forum that covers this one . . .
      • Delayed Ejaculation - sorry for posting this here but this isn't really a forum that covers this one . . .
      • Delayed Ejaculation - sorry for posting this here but this isn't really a forum that covers this one . . .
      • Delayed Ejaculation - sorry for posting this here but this isn't really a forum that covers this one . . .
      • Delayed Ejaculation - sorry for posting this here but this isn't really a forum that covers this one . . .
      Quote Originally Posted by Yohimbe View Post
      Also, if you take any SSRI's... Those can make it almost impossible to finish.
      I took an SSRI for a bit, worst thing ever. You know that point where you just know you're going to have an orgasm and there's nothing that can stop it? He act, the SSRI would let me reach that point and then like a light switch it would turn off and suddenly I would go soft. Never a completion of glorious release.

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