I'm 49 yo and haven't been in a serious (bring her home to meet the family) relationship in 10 years. The last one ended badly and I guess I'm just not ready to ever feel like that again. That said, Increasingly since then I was pretty active for the first 5 years then gradually felt less and less like even going out (although the desire to get laid was still there) and I'm to the point now where I go out about once a month. I started anabolics at age 18 (orals for about a year because I didn't like needles) then took it to the next level and haven't looked back. I'm mostly "On" and switch up what I'm taking every 2-3 months and take about a month off every year just to give my body and receptors a break. Back to the problem, I'd was in a dry spell until last week when I visited a friend out of town and ended up taking a 32 yo hot chic back to his house. We went at it for a couple hours (wood was fine) but yet again, I couldn't get there. And of course, every time this happens, the girl gets pissed and thinks it's their fault. Up until 10 years ago, it always took me a little longer to orgasm, whether I was in a relationship or not but I usually got there. Then gradually over last 10 years, I could first orgasm by masturbating with no problem and quickly and getting there with a chic became more and more difficult. I'm now to the point where if I want to rub one out (which I try to do at least twice a week) I need to pack a lunch because it either doesn't happen or if so it takes hours - and that was never something that I couldn't accomplish with ease in only a few minutes! I just read up on delayed ejaculation which I guess I'll call what I'm going through and basically it could be physical, which I don't think it is since nothing physically has changed since this started happening or psychological which I think is more likely. Oh and my libido fluctuates depending on what anabolics I'm on at the time. I do not take deca for this reason. And even though they have a pill for every ill, they do not have for this (but they do have'em for lasting longer!) Anyone else have/ever had this issue? I'm getting to the point where I'm questioning why I kill myself at gym, tan, diet and take anabolics all to look good (for myself of course but also to get more chics) when I can't even reach orgasm most of the time solo and in last 5 years, I don't think I got there once with a girl (and I've had 15-20 opportunities to do so in last 5 years). Any words of wisdom?