I only now use shoulders for im IGF but that I use per muscle so...
And I use suspension or bases in delt, that is it.
To prevent I use 25g 5/8"
I put glutes, hips, Lower outer thighs, lats if necessary, and top of tricep meaty spot under rear delt.
I love primo, mast, prop and tren ace
I also run things that work to offset sides so I pin everyday alot!!!
Even with long esters I add mast and primo so I Gotta pin often to fit it in.
And trest ace low dose I came to love!!
So pinning everyday alot I use these spots.
I have some popping feeling at some spots but I move even at each spot from one time to next.
From my hips I pin all the way to outer glute, that is big long area I hsve no troubles with.
I am always pretty lean i can see vessels or arteries to avoid