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    Thread: Estrogen/Gyno/Prolactin

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      • Estrogen/Gyno/Prolactin
      I was reading a threed, The AI/AE & Estrogen Handbook, because i am researching early signs of Gyno. Basically i am trying to rule my signs to if it is coming on and if so, I need to combat it quickly, and without having any blood work done I dont know what my levels are at the moment.

      My current cycle i am on right now is Tren E/Test E at 200mg/100mg e3d. I have been on this cycle now for a little over 5 weeks and last night I started taking hcg to get the boys back a little and run the hcg to the end of the cycle at 250iu 2x/wk, i dosed wrong last night and actually went 500iu so i am going to wait a week and start on my next injection of hcg at 250iu 2x/wk. Other items on hand are some ugl Adex 1mg tabs and some Chlomid from the same Lab. I planned on running the Chlomid for PCT, and i have been talking with a member here and was suggested to start the Adex @ .5mg per day or EOD to see how the reactions are to possibly rising Estrogen.

      Some symptoms I think are a sign are 1) oily face which is not normal for me when i am on a clean diet. 2) limited urination and I have been pretty good about staying hydrated and trying to take in electrolytes as well. 3) And this one i cant really confirm or deny is a symptom, but bowl moments are not exactly regular the past week, although i know that with the Tren it tends to use as much of the nutrients as possible, and I burn a lot of energy lifting heavy when i hit the gym and i walk a lot at work too so my body could just be using a lot of my food as fuel and leaving little waste behind??. 4) Embarrassed by this last one, not really because I am not the first male on AAS to experience lack of erection and size, and obviously the boys have gotten a little smaller and softer.

      I am not sure honestly if the Est is high or low, maybe with the stack all my sh*t is a clusterf*** right now. I do know if the case is Prolactin then i have a source for Caber, i just have to get it before its too late.

      As far as Gyno goes, I occasionally do the check for the tiny marble like sacs building up behind the nip as it is the signs, and today of all days I feel like i am getting a small one on the right pec.

      Thoughts, comments, concerns, advice, it is all welcome and much appreciated! I will always come back to this site because a friend introduced me to it and there are a lot of knowledgeable people here that are willing to help rather than hinder, and most of all the criticism is virtually null here and that is very important!

      I think I touched base on my concerns here, there is only so much reading i can do along with research before i just have to ask the question and get some feedback.

      Thanks FG Fam!
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      Default Re: Estrogen/Gyno/Prolactin

      I had my estrogen checked andnit was very high 150. I was already on aromasin nevery day then I got some letro every day foe the first week then every other day with the aromasin. I now have to get my test results checked to see where my estrogen is. So if you ever get it checked and its high start taking both aromasin and letro
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      Default Re: Estrogen/Gyno/Prolactin

      man, i know it's a huge pain in the ass to get bloods done but you can literally get only estro and prolactin checked individually. thing is the only real way to know by symptoms that i am aware of from prolactin induced gyno is leaking nipples. at that point you are pretty much screwed. i have never been a very big fan of taking anti e or meds for either estro or prolactin control because they both come with their own set of side effects which are compounded by the use of aas. now the one cool thing about figuring out which one is an issue for you from blood work is that you really only have to do it once or twice to get it ironed out. then you should be good to go for a while.
      that and crushing either one completely or to low comes with another host of side effects as well. most of which we dont want like mr happy not working at all. that's the trade off
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      Default Re: Estrogen/Gyno/Prolactin

      Ok based on your symptoms I do not think you have gyno, but your cycle is very likely to cause prolactin issues. I have a large lump under my right nipple from running tren many years ago without having an prolactin suppressor drug on hand... my BEST advice is be sure to have aroma and dostinex/caber on hand when running a cycle. To many guys scrape their pennies together and buy a cycle of test ect, and cross their fingers they wont get sides. Anti E and prolactin suppressing drugs are cheap and should always be part of a well planned cycle.
      Progesterone/prolactin gyno is sneaky, when estrogen shoots up most guys nipples get real tender and even putting on a shirt can cause painful sensation, prolactin comes on real subtle like. Doing a self exam can yield confusing signs. Such a slight tenderness that most would shrug it off and not think twice about it. By the time you have liquid coming put nips your in real trouble and gyno will be forming very rapidly. The pea size lump you feel could be an early sign your prolactin is up. You need to get bloodwork done asap and if that isn't an option then get caber or dostinex quickly!
      When I run tren I always run winny with it, Winstrol inhibits prolactin, but it does it differently. Winstrol blocks progesterone receptors. By doing so, it inhibits prolactin. I split my winny into an am and pm dose. It's worked well for me to prevent nasty sides on tren.

      There are labs out there that are cheap and you don't have to evolve your personal doc. I strongly recommend you look into options for blood work especially after your cycle ends. Just because you stop running tren doesn't mean your prolactin will go down/away. Don't play guessing games with your health please get blood work.
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      Default Re: Estrogen/Gyno/Prolactin

      Quote Originally Posted by Blueedge View Post
      Ok based on your symptoms I do not think you have gyno, but your cycle is very likely to cause prolactin issues. I have a large lump under my right nipple from running tren many years ago without having an prolactin suppressor drug on hand... my BEST advice is be sure to have aroma and dostinex/caber on hand when running a cycle. To many guys scrape their pennies together and buy a cycle of test ect, and cross their fingers they wont get sides. Anti E and prolactin suppressing drugs are cheap and should always be part of a well planned cycle.
      Progesterone/prolactin gyno is sneaky, when estrogen shoots up most guys nipples get real tender and even putting on a shirt can cause painful sensation, prolactin comes on real subtle like. Doing a self exam can yield confusing signs. Such a slight tenderness that most would shrug it off and not think twice about it. By the time you have liquid coming put nips your in real trouble and gyno will be forming very rapidly. The pea size lump you feel could be an early sign your prolactin is up. You need to get bloodwork done asap and if that isn't an option then get caber or dostinex quickly!
      When I run tren I always run winny with it, Winstrol inhibits prolactin, but it does it differently. Winstrol blocks progesterone receptors. By doing so, it inhibits prolactin. I split my winny into an am and pm dose. It's worked well for me to prevent nasty sides on tren.

      There are labs out there that are cheap and you don't have to evolve your personal doc. I strongly recommend you look into options for blood work especially after your cycle ends. Just because you stop running tren doesn't mean your prolactin will go down/away. Don't play guessing games with your health please get blood work.
      I very well could be over reacting a little, BUT I think when it comes to AAS and health it is better to be safe than sorry. As far as any type of soreness on the nips, not really had any "soreness," a little sensitive yeah, for instance when i wear a thin t-shirt and especially working out the dudes are noticeably hard, and some times but not often have itched just a little but nothing crazy. Due to some financial setbacks last week I have to wait until pay comes in to order some Caber and some blood work, but ill spend $50/pice on some blood test to see where i am and what corrections i need to make AND pray it is not too late for anything. I also am curious if it is the Tren that has been giving me headaches every day or if it is from something else.... thanks for the replies from you and everyone else.
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      Default Re: Estrogen/Gyno/Prolactin

      And out of curiosity, what if i just dumped off the Tren in the cycle and upped my dose of Test and finished out my 8 weeks, I dont think it would make a difference either way, but if i am developing something from the Tren then maybe stopping now might slow up some if anything negative coming from it... well besides the fact that my gains have apeared to have slowed up pretty quick even though for my frame and not hitting the heavy weights for a couple years my bench work and incline dumbell sets were pretty impressive to myself last night!
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      Default Re: Estrogen/Gyno/Prolactin

      Quote Originally Posted by MxxC82 View Post
      And out of curiosity, what if i just dumped off the Tren in the cycle and upped my dose of Test and finished out my 8 weeks, I dont think it would make a difference either way, but if i am developing something from the Tren then maybe stopping now might slow up some if anything negative coming from it... well besides the fact that my gains have apeared to have slowed up pretty quick even though for my frame and not hitting the heavy weights for a couple years my bench work and incline dumbell sets were pretty impressive to myself last night!
      haha, man you cant go off of this or that symptom. you might as well guess at that point and that's an expensive and very unattractive guess to be making. as for dropping the tren and it going away. yes you can do that as long as their is no lumps leaking or anything else going on. nothing wrong with that and if it is tren a it should clear out and go back to normal in a week or so. i am still much more of a fan of bloods even though it is a huge pain in the ass
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      Default Re: Estrogen/Gyno/Prolactin

      PMD labs offers a prolactin test only, I am ordering it as soon as I get home from work tonite and hope I can get in and get results back quickly! If I can get on the caber quickly if prolactin is an issue then I will continue to run the tren until I'm out and the cycle is over. Believe me when I say this, I DO NOT like or want to guess at any symptoms and I want to finish my cycle clean and healthy. Also, I plan on running this again starting in mid march, maybe same stack or I may just blast test only to try and be, in my eyes, "boat ready" for the summer. Also, I WILL have everything g on hand and on standby including before, during and after blood work for the next cycle early next year. When I tore up my L-5 disc a few years ago I got pretty sloppy and was not able to exercise, now that I am better I am just trying to slow ride and get some of this BF gone and some strength and muscle back before going strictly clean.... well maybe clean, but it's hard to do when you see results in the mirror and not on the scale, but you guys get that point I'm sure.

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      Default Re: Estrogen/Gyno/Prolactin

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      haha, man you cant go off of this or that symptom. you might as well guess at that point and that's an expensive and very unattractive guess to be making. as for dropping the tren and it going away. yes you can do that as long as their is no lumps leaking or anything else going on. nothing wrong with that and if it is tren a it should clear out and go back to normal in a week or so. i am still much more of a fan of bloods even though it is a huge pain in the ass
      Got BW done yesterday, results came in today. My results are below attached in a PDF file.

      So, tonite I started my Adex at 1mg, simply because I want to get it in my system, but now I need a good dose and schedule to run it until November 1. I am also working on getting some Caber on hand for the Prolactin numbers as well. I seen where someone had posted something about running something else with the Adex, but i will have to look back at that. I am also running HCG now @ 250iu 2xWK until the end of the cycle to help with a little shrinkage with the boys. Even though my Estro is pretty high I know that running 1mg of Adex is ultimately going to be too much and make me crash soon, so I just need recommendations on the dosage and days apart on it. I think once i get Caber in my hands and get started with it as well I will be ok and get my levels somewhat down until I come off cycle and start PCT, THEN back for more BW after that to see where i stand and hope I can keep some gains!

      I really hate that I am having to scrounge all this stuff up right now! Long story short, my friend that got me the Tren and got me started at the same time he started his cycle ultimately passed away a little over 3 weeks ago, so basically me getting the Anti E/P stuff to go along with my cycle was lost, let alone dealing with the loss of my friend. <--- not looking for a pity party by sharing that, its just kind of what I have been dealing with this go around and it all kind of sucks right now!

      On a side note, The Punisher is on and I am off work for the next couple of days and its still warm enough for one more boat ride this year!
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      Default Re: Estrogen/Gyno/Prolactin

      Quote Originally Posted by MxxC82 View Post
      Got BW done yesterday, results came in today. My results are below attached in a PDF file.

      So, tonite I started my Adex at 1mg, simply because I want to get it in my system, but now I need a good dose and schedule to run it until November 1. I am also working on getting some Caber on hand for the Prolactin numbers as well. I seen where someone had posted something about running something else with the Adex, but i will have to look back at that. I am also running HCG now @ 250iu 2xWK until the end of the cycle to help with a little shrinkage with the boys. Even though my Estro is pretty high I know that running 1mg of Adex is ultimately going to be too much and make me crash soon, so I just need recommendations on the dosage and days apart on it. I think once i get Caber in my hands and get started with it as well I will be ok and get my levels somewhat down until I come off cycle and start PCT, THEN back for more BW after that to see where i stand and hope I can keep some gains!

      I really hate that I am having to scrounge all this stuff up right now! Long story short, my friend that got me the Tren and got me started at the same time he started his cycle ultimately passed away a little over 3 weeks ago, so basically me getting the Anti E/P stuff to go along with my cycle was lost, let alone dealing with the loss of my friend. <--- not looking for a pity party by sharing that, its just kind of what I have been dealing with this go around and it all kind of sucks right now!

      On a side note, The Punisher is on and I am off work for the next couple of days and its still warm enough for one more boat ride this year!
      ok man, i wouldnt use dex but that's what you got on hand so run it at 1mg ed for a couple weeks then shift to eod for the duration. as for the caber .5 on mon and thurs should be plenty to get you back in check. i am going to let you in on a little secret. anti e and prolacin meds are not a controlled substance. so you can order them from an overseas pharm and they will not get seized 99.9% of the time. you do need a script here in the states but elsewhere you do not. so since they arent controlled if for some unseen reason it was to get snagged by big brother it isnt a criminal offense. on top of that you can actually get legit no bs pharm grade stuff.

      now with the dex. it is going to hammer the shit out of your lipids. so it is not the optimal choice for controlling estro imo. what i would do next time is get you some aromasin and run it for 2-3 wks at 25mg ed then come down to 12.5 for the remainder. it is actually helpful for your lipids. so if it works well for you it is actually good for you
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      Default Re: Estrogen/Gyno/Prolactin

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      ok man, i wouldnt use dex but that's what you got on hand so run it at 1mg ed for a couple weeks then shift to eod for the duration. as for the caber .5 on mon and thurs should be plenty to get you back in check. i am going to let you in on a little secret. anti e and prolacin meds are not a controlled substance. so you can order them from an overseas pharm and they will not get seized 99.9% of the time. you do need a script here in the states but elsewhere you do not. so since they arent controlled if for some unseen reason it was to get snagged by big brother it isnt a criminal offense. on top of that you can actually get legit no bs pharm grade stuff.

      now with the dex. it is going to hammer the shit out of your lipids. so it is not the optimal choice for controlling estro imo. what i would do next time is get you some aromasin and run it for 2-3 wks at 25mg ed then come down to 12.5 for the remainder. it is actually helpful for your lipids. so if it works well for you it is actually good for you

      Well, I really would prefer not using the Adex but I dont have time to wait for an order from overseas at the moment and the ugl Dex I have will have to do. However I am still waiting to hear back from a source for my Caber and possibly some Aromisin, which I really hope I hear back today. I tell you what, that 1mg of dex last night sucked the life out of me, but other than having to pee like 5 times during the night I slept pretty hard for the first time in weeks!
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      Default Re: Estrogen/Gyno/Prolactin

      Headaches could be from tren. Have you checked your blood pressure?
      It's not to late to fix any issue your having. If you had a goldball size lump it would be to late. I think your fine just get the tests done and get caber. You will be fine. Better safe than sorry. Always ask if u have any question, many of us have been in the same spot.
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      • Estrogen/Gyno/Prolactin
      Quote Originally Posted by Blueedge View Post
      Headaches could be from tren. Have you checked your blood pressure?
      It's not to late to fix any issue your having. If you had a goldball size lump it would be to late. I think your fine just get the tests done and get caber. You will be fine. Better safe than sorry. Always ask if u have any question, many of us have been in the same spot.
      I got BW done last week, I posted the results in another thread. I think I will be ok too, I've started Adex last week for the extremely high estrogen, I'm still waiting on the caber. I have not checked my blood pressure yet and I know I should. I do know this, the Adex has really been making me sweat a lot since started taking it and I have had some body and muscle aches as well. Also, some compounds are not for everyone and I don't think the tren is for me, my next cycle in a few months is going to be a test only cycle I believe, simply because I always feel good on it and the sides are basically null.
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