250 would be higher than any TRT dose prescribed by a doc i have ever heard. I am sure there are fellas who get it but I am half that. 400mg wk is a cycle.

Now I get where you are coming from. does not feel like you want it to feel so you up the dose to MANY the times the natural level and feel good. but that is not TRT.

I just feel OK at 125 mg wk. took a while but doc has me dialed in at 700-800 ng/dl depending on when I am tested. I only get levels checked 1X a year now.

anyway for a guy in his early 40s average is mid 300s.

as for long term I am sure TRT levels are fine long term. I have no idea for double or triple or more. Once or twice a year I come off for 6 weeks and do PCT. when I go back on I have banked 6 wks worth of cyp and I feel great on my TRT level.

try coming off for 2-3 months (i know it is a bear and sucks) when you get back on you will feel like superman even on the dose prescribed