Mid to late 30s here. I think the biggest thing I've noticed at this point is how your body changes over the years. Mentally and physically. I notice it takes me a bit longer to recover from things that only took me a very short time to recover from in my early 20s. I still lift heavy, but not as frequently and with adequate recuperation time. I'm a lot more mindful of my overall health now as well, especially when it comes to my diet and supplementation. I haven't run a heavy cycle in a few years, although I still have the mindest and a lot of gas left in the tank to push it if I choose to. It's just my thought process that has adapted over the years. A heavy cycle for me now probably wouldn't be the same caliber that it was in my 20s. My mid 30s self thinks more about health and longevity than my early 20s self did.