Hi guys:

A few days ago I posted on what the best "X only cycle" would be and everybody told me TEST.... After some research and listening to what some guys said about it I've decided to give it a try. Still a bit anxious with test (don't know why).
I wonder what the best Test would be for this test-only cycle. Also the dose. I know everybody says 500mg/wk but I'm pretty new and have never done test. Also I'm not a huge guy. My weight is 174lb (and going down since I'm on a keto diet losing about 1.5lb a wk till 6pk comes out) Hight is 5'5" bf 13%.
With my stats, what would be the best dose and best test (I'm not into priking eod so I'm talking about the best long-acting ester based on sides and results). I'm looking to put on some 15-20 lbs at most of lean mass on my already stocky frame.

I'd like to hear from someone who has used what he preaches for.
Rain in your answers!
