Guess I can vouch for the aggressiveness factor using halo now. Started it Sunday. Last night coming home from teaching, this ass hat was doing 40mph on the highway the last 1/2 mile right before my exit. Of course he takes me exit and then proceeds to go 25-30 the entire way over the mountain, through town, and luckily he went straight where I had to turn left to take the street down to turn off onto my street. Soon as I turned I laid on the horn, flipped him off and punched it down the street. Right as I blew around the corner a police SUV was coming the other way and as soon as i blew past him he slammed on the breaks, turned around and lit me up. Luckily when he came to the window he was like **** right? I said yea and he said what's going on? Said bad night at dojo and running late tonight. He said hurrying home to see your dog? He had been at the house before when I found someone's license in front of my driveway and loved meeting my pit. Said you took that corner pretty aggressive at 51mph. Came back and said ok, look you live right around the corner bro, show a little respect for your own neighborhood and take it a little slower ok? Giving you a written warning, put it on your fridge and remind yourself to take it easy and have a good night. Phew

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