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  • BOSTIN LOYD 2016 NPC Border Clash - - What do you think?
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    Thread: BOSTIN LOYD 2016 NPC Border Clash - - What do you think?

    1. #1
      Jozifp103's Avatar
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      Question BOSTIN LOYD 2016 NPC Border Clash - - What do you think?

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      • BOSTIN LOYD 2016 NPC Border Clash - - What do you think?

      • BOSTIN LOYD 2016 NPC Border Clash - - What do you think?
      • BOSTIN LOYD 2016 NPC Border Clash - - What do you think?
      • BOSTIN LOYD 2016 NPC Border Clash - - What do you think?
      • BOSTIN LOYD 2016 NPC Border Clash - - What do you think?
      • BOSTIN LOYD 2016 NPC Border Clash - - What do you think?
      • BOSTIN LOYD 2016 NPC Border Clash - - What do you think?
      BOSTIN LOYD 2016 NPC Border Clash - - What do you think?
      So we all have our opinions of this dude. I'm certainly not a fan of his methods or attitude in general. I'll admit he's made a shit ton of progress in the past year or so and actually looks pretty good IMO. Granted his results could be achieved with 1/10 the amount of chemicals.

      Anyways, he's been *****ing all over facebook about getting screwed by the judges in his recent contest at the NPC Border Clash. The guy to the right of Bostin in the video took first over him. I'm no Judge....but my eyes are telling me Bostin should have taken it. The winner had a better back for sure and thicker legs from the side, but i honestly thought Bostin was thicker and overall more aesthetic.

      What does everyone else think? Am I an idiot here? Let's hear some opinions.

    2. #2
      hicktown's Avatar
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      Default Re: BOSTIN LOYD 2016 NPC Border Clash - - What do you think?

      Regardless of all the hate for him here I do like the guy. Hes honest about everything and he doesnt sugar coat the chems that real competitors use. Hes made a ton of progress yes, but he uses a shit ton of SEO and you can tell especially is front double bicep pose. Theres no veins or striations at all. His legs are decent for a good base NOW but they looked small on stage. His back was good but i still dont get his stomach. No one else on stage had that bloated sectioned ab look. I cant stand that at all. I guess its all the slin he uses.

      Props for him for getting out there. Overall hes made huge gains and looks good.

    3. #3
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      Default Re: BOSTIN LOYD 2016 NPC Border Clash - - What do you think?

      I do like his honesty about his usage of drugs. His attitude at times comes across as brash and cocky which is annoying. Nothing wrong with being humble IMO.

      I am no expert in bodybuilding but him and the other guy are very close. Certain poses I would give to Boston and other poses to the other guy. Boston sure does appear tall in comparison to the others.

      IMO it could have gone either way. Not sure how close it was but again I think it could have gone either way.

    4. #4
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      Default Re: BOSTIN LOYD 2016 NPC Border Clash - - What do you think?

      Yeah I don't know much at all about the judging in bodybuilding but I would say he looks the best, his abs are pretty much none existent it seems to me. Guns needs to chime in on this one.

    5. #5
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      Default Re: BOSTIN LOYD 2016 NPC Border Clash - - What do you think?

      i must not be a real competitor because i understand both anabolic threshold and i also dont need nowhere near that amount of supplements after over a decade of constant use. that and my blood work always comes back damn close to pristine. then again i am also not full of shit and normally dont advertise to the entire world with my face what i do and do not do.

      ok let's break down why cry baby didnt win. well for starters i once got some good advice from a judge right before telling me that if i worked with the local coaches that i would have swept the show. he told me that not always the biggest guy on stage won and at the end of the day, the guy with the best conditioning is going to win 9 out of 10 times. so first off out of the gate the dude that won has superior conditioning. two: the guy that won as has better color under the lighting which gives him the appearance of being harder and drier. 3- he flows much better and his upper body and lower body matches from the front back and sides. quick note for you guys about the npc. read the rules: you are not permitted to pull your trunks up your butt at any point and doing so can and may result in a disqualification. that and his glutes compared to the winner are not ripped. so i have no idea what he is trying to show there. the other guys hams are also much better conditioned so that usually means your glutes arent either. both their posing sucks but boston's is a little bit worse. fi you watch him he collapses his shoulders down to contract his chest. that makes you look narrow and compact and that is not good, you want to appear as big and wide as possible and create a good flow. he thinks he is all of that but at the end of the day he isnt. i tend to ***** and complain about my placings and the politics from time to time but i would never do it openly for the npc people to see. they will hold it against you and you can and may be black balled for doing stuff that can hurt the sport. my advice to him would be get a better posing coach and practice for one and then shut the f$$k up and maybe listen to someone to provide some good guidance from a coaching stand point. but in all reality he has probably lost all chances of that when he openly posted what palumbo was doing with his diet and supplement program a little while back. so no one will probably ever work with him and he will fade away eventually

      i should also say that i am not by far an expert and try to learn as much as possible every chance i get. i talk to judges, other coaches and people that i know in the game that have either been around longer than me or are much larger than i am. that's what and where i get my info from. i like to read the research papers and things of that nature and then get info from dudes that are in the trenches applying it successfully. learning from those that are successful and better than you and also coaching people to achieving more than you are or where able to are the earmarks of a great competitor and coach. i love to complain and gripe about this and that but i have been around the game and politics for a very long time. so for the most part placing dont even piss me off any more, i just roll with it and enjoy beating what i was able to do the last time and always getting better
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      Default Re: BOSTIN LOYD 2016 NPC Border Clash - - What do you think?

      I was waiting for Guns to preach it on this thread.

      Guns, where can I find a good read on anabolic threshold?

    7. #7
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      Default Re: BOSTIN LOYD 2016 NPC Border Clash - - What do you think?

      Quote Originally Posted by hicktown View Post
      I was waiting for Guns to preach it on this thread.

      Guns, where can I find a good read on anabolic threshold?
      google it up man. their are some good docs out there that have done extensive research on this very topic. i can break down what i know as i have read in pretty basic layman's terms haha. everyone has x amount of anablic and androgenic receptors ie your anabolic/adrogenic thresholds. some people have more and some people have less. so once you achieve your anabolic thresholds you are basically wasting compounds and all the extra does is create health risks. so the way someone that i speak with broke it down for me was like this: if you fill up your gas tank all the way to the brim and you just keep on pumping the gas into the tank once it's full what happens? the exta gas just pours out and spreads out all over the place with nowhere to go. so in essence you are wasting fuel for starters and another it is highly flammable and you run the risk of it catching on fire. i love how the dude breaks stuff down haha but it makes sense. so the take away for me and i learned i can tolerate certain compounds to x amount with zero issues and anything above that causes issues but doesnt give me any extra reward
      TGBSupplements REP


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    8. #8
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      Default Re: BOSTIN LOYD 2016 NPC Border Clash - - What do you think?

      DAMN !!! B4 I saw Guns post I gave it to Bostin !!!
      He looked bigger to me and fuller, but now that I look at it , he does need more conditioning , and to the untrained eye, me , u wouldnt see that !!!
      I do think he made great progress, but hey , theres more that has to be done !!!

    9. #9
      guns01's Avatar
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      Default Re: BOSTIN LOYD 2016 NPC Border Clash - - What do you think?

      Quote Originally Posted by Torres View Post
      DAMN !!! B4 I saw Guns post I gave it to Bostin !!!
      He looked bigger to me and fuller, but now that I look at it , he does need more conditioning , and to the untrained eye, me , u wouldnt see that !!!
      I do think he made great progress, but hey , theres more that has to be done !!!
      yes you are correct his conditioning is off compared to the other dude but like i said it could be his tan/color and his posing as well. if you listen to the dudes in the back ground yelling at him and saying oh he's got this blah blah blah. dont surround yourself with yes men. their is always room for improvement and you will never really fully be there haha. you may get close a time or two but no one ever nails perfect and a pair of eyes that will point out and help with your faults goes a long freaking way
      TGBSupplements REP


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    10. #10
      GotClen's Avatar
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      Default Re: BOSTIN LOYD 2016 NPC Border Clash - - What do you think?

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      • BOSTIN LOYD 2016 NPC Border Clash - - What do you think?

      • BOSTIN LOYD 2016 NPC Border Clash - - What do you think?
      • BOSTIN LOYD 2016 NPC Border Clash - - What do you think?
      • BOSTIN LOYD 2016 NPC Border Clash - - What do you think?
      • BOSTIN LOYD 2016 NPC Border Clash - - What do you think?
      • BOSTIN LOYD 2016 NPC Border Clash - - What do you think?
      • BOSTIN LOYD 2016 NPC Border Clash - - What do you think?
      IMO Mr Guns has nailed all this square on the head. Guys just can't seem to see past muscle.
      This sport is so much more. Symmetry is #1. Not the biggest back or wheels. Most people if honest in the
      Audience can pick the top two at there first show if they just judge with their eyes and gut. What appeals to the eye.

      Could Boston have won? I think he could have providing he came in Shape. Providing he learned to present his body
      In a way to show his positive sides. Guns said it CONDITION fixes a lot on stage for judges. Guys like Boston have so many
      Guys telling him how great he is he can't see he is still 4 weeks out. The dude was prepared that day to knock off a big mouth giant.
      That is why he got the overall. Those few things were just a start. I would never award a guy full of OIL. Fake muscle does not do it
      For me or help the sport in any ways.

      Hope you all are doing well,

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