Hey Guys,

Im on week 2 of tren ace along with 800mgs of test cyp. Over the last year of trying tren and deca I've found out that im super sensitive to progesterone side affects. I remember when i first started tren about 10 months ago I loaded up on liquid prami and OMG 1ML freakin killed me. I didnt know how tired and queesy it would make you feel.

So im now on 125mg EOD of acetate and I started at .1ml of Prami, obviously its not enough to make me feel like crap and im slow increasing to 0.5ml. Currently im at 0.3, is this the best way to use prami? I have a feeling im gonna have to increase it to 1ml to kill the soreness in my nips.

I read about some other benefits of it with combating sexual sides.

Is it just better to spend the money and use dostinex?