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  • HALOTESTIN, physique drug, or strength drug?
  • HALOTESTIN, physique drug, or strength drug?
  • HALOTESTIN, physique drug, or strength drug?
  • HALOTESTIN, physique drug, or strength drug?
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  • HALOTESTIN, physique drug, or strength drug?
  • HALOTESTIN, physique drug, or strength drug?
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    Thread: HALOTESTIN, physique drug, or strength drug?

    1. #1
      Jozifp103's Avatar
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      Question HALOTESTIN, physique drug, or strength drug?

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      • HALOTESTIN, physique drug, or strength drug?
      • HALOTESTIN, physique drug, or strength drug?

      • HALOTESTIN, physique drug, or strength drug?
      • HALOTESTIN, physique drug, or strength drug?
      • HALOTESTIN, physique drug, or strength drug?
      • HALOTESTIN, physique drug, or strength drug?
      • HALOTESTIN, physique drug, or strength drug?
      • HALOTESTIN, physique drug, or strength drug?
      Chemical Name: Fluoxymesteron
      Dosage: 10-40mg/day
      Active time: 6-8 hours
      Anabolic/androgenic ratio: 1,900/850

      Halotestin is a very powerful hormone. On paper its HIGHLY anabolic and very androgenic. However, it doesn't seem to pack on serious size considering how anabolic it is. It appears to give a very nice hardening/chiseled effect when used for physique purposes.

      It also has amazing strength gaining properties. Used by many powerlifters for it's strength and aggression benefits.

      So my question to those who have experience with it......which is it best suited for? Have you used it for physique purposes? Strength purposes? How effective is it for either purpose? Are their better alternatives for either goal?

      Lets hear your thoughts....

    2. #2
      smalls1's Avatar
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      Default Re: HALOTESTIN, physique drug, or strength drug?

      Both IMO I loved the look it have me. I got a good full look from it due to raised RBC. Halo is the shit if it's legit

    3. #3
      FUZO's Avatar
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      Default Re: HALOTESTIN, physique drug, or strength drug?

      I took it for 4 weeks and I only took it for strength
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    4. #4
      guns01's Avatar
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      Default Re: HALOTESTIN, physique drug, or strength drug?

      Quote Originally Posted by Jozifp103 View Post
      Chemical Name: Fluoxymesteron
      Dosage: 10-40mg/day
      Active time: 6-8 hours
      Anabolic/androgenic ratio: 1,900/850

      Halotestin is a very powerful hormone. On paper its HIGHLY anabolic and very androgenic. However, it doesn't seem to pack on serious size considering how anabolic it is. It appears to give a very nice hardening/chiseled effect when used for physique purposes.

      It also has amazing strength gaining properties. Used by many powerlifters for it's strength and aggression benefits.

      So my question to those who have experience with it......which is it best suited for? Have you used it for physique purposes? Strength purposes? How effective is it for either purpose? Are their better alternatives for either goal?

      Lets hear your thoughts....
      ok i have used it for both and i am going to say, other than how stupid toxic it is and how freaking high it will crank you bp it is still one of the craziest compounds you will ever come across. now again, it is often faked(very very often because of the expense) and it is super stupid toxic and can only be used for a short period of time. i say personally no more than 3 wks at 30-40mg and that's even pushing it a little bit imo.

      now for me, i added about 50lbs to my squats and deads in one week with 30mg. so that is my testament of strength with it. that was from my gym pr to a meet and many many years ago. i also saw a buddy add 100lbs to his deadlift cycling it off and on with the programing he was using and at 240 he totaled over 2,000 and is going to the arnold his first year as a pro power lifter. so yeah it is pretty silly.

      now for me physique wise. this is what a judge friend of mine told me: he said you can take 2 almost identical body builders and one of them has used halo the last bit of prep and the one that used the halo will have a night and day difference in his stage look. so for me, i used it for the majority of my shows once i learned about how great it was. first show i used it for i took the overall and that same judge buddy who had no idea what i had been using came up to me and said, hey man you added in halo didnt you? haha and no he wasnt on the judging panel of that show. now with that said, i can def tell a difference in my temper while on(i have no issues with my temper) and i am not one to say roid rage blah blah. i think that is horse shit, but with this stuff it will amp you up a little faster than what is normal. something else i will note is that at 30mg for 2wks it will spike my bp enough to give me constant nose bleeds. so to combat that i will go with 20 for a wk and then 30 for the last 2 wks just to keep it a little more in control.

      if you can find legit halo and you compete in physique or strength, i highly suggest adding it in. for the average gym rat looking to get beach ready, spend it on tren and be easier on your body haha
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      Default Re: HALOTESTIN, physique drug, or strength drug?

      In my opinion it's great for both. I've never used it specifically for the physique purposes, but I've used it for strength and it was excellent. I could definitely tell my drive and intensity in the gym (and a sometimes outside the gym) were a bit more magnified, but the strength gains were phenomenal. On the physique side, I know several guys that incorporate it into their prep and it definitely makes a big difference. It's super harsh on your system, but for a short run the benefits on both the physique side and strength side are awesome.
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    6. #6
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      Default Re: HALOTESTIN, physique drug, or strength drug?

      I love it for both great for bulking strength a must for pre contest

    7. #7
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      Default Re: HALOTESTIN, physique drug, or strength drug?

      Never tried it, want to but the bp issue scares me

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      Default Re: HALOTESTIN, physique drug, or strength drug?

      For me personally I get worse BP issues on dbol than halo HOWEVER I usually take more dbol on a Mg to MG basis and I usually eat dirty while on dbol so I'm sure that's rly the rsn. But BP is defiantly something you always wanna keep in check, if I was you I'd start out low and gradually move up if you not having any issues as stated about because it's cool stuff.

      Quote Originally Posted by 6p6 View Post
      Never tried it, want to but the bp issue scares me

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    9. #9
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      Default Re: HALOTESTIN, physique drug, or strength drug?

      the 1 time i tried halo it was bunk, did not do anything
      old powerlifter/bench press specialist

    10. #10
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      Question Re: HALOTESTIN, physique drug, or strength drug?

      Dang man I rly hate to hear that. It's very expensive to make you just gotta rly rly trust where you get it from. . I hope next time you don't get screwed.

      Quote Originally Posted by horse View Post
      the 1 time i tried halo it was bunk, did not do anything

    11. #11
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      Default Re: HALOTESTIN, physique drug, or strength drug?

      It's freaking awesome....but! I took it for 3weeks...after 10days I was doin my normal 6 mo blood test....my Dr. For past 25 yrs wanted to keep me for a lot more test...thought kidneys and liver was shutting down....the amount of protein I had in my blood I knew was from the halo....I told him,but he didn't want me to leave....I stopped using it and it prolly took 90-100 days where my levels were almost in check! Bottom line it's a great product....don't drink on it....drink plenty water....and don't take it lightly on the extreme gains u get from quality H......it's night and day different from dbol,Drol etc
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    12. #12
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      Default Re: HALOTESTIN, physique drug, or strength drug?

      Quote Originally Posted by smalls1 View Post
      For me personally I get worse BP issues on dbol than halo HOWEVER I usually take more dbol on a Mg to MG basis and I usually eat dirty while on dbol so I'm sure that's rly the rsn. But BP is defiantly something you always wanna keep in check, if I was you I'd start out low and gradually move up if you not having any issues as stated about because it's cool stuff.
      Thx bud and good to see you boss man

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    13. #13
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      • HALOTESTIN, physique drug, or strength drug?

      • HALOTESTIN, physique drug, or strength drug?
      • HALOTESTIN, physique drug, or strength drug?
      • HALOTESTIN, physique drug, or strength drug?
      • HALOTESTIN, physique drug, or strength drug?
      • HALOTESTIN, physique drug, or strength drug?
      • HALOTESTIN, physique drug, or strength drug?
      I would like a Halo please
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