Whatup fam-o

Im coming off a 16weeker of test/mast, briefly ran Deca for 4 weeks and found out the sides kill me. Ive gone down to an hrt dose that ill use for a few weeks then come off totally. My girl and I are fairly new(2 month relationship so far) and we're getting wild all the time and she hates when I have issues. No worries though ive got my source for cialis, but my main concern is how do you guys keep your motivation during pct and when you start to see your pump diminish and your strength going in the toilet?

Im still on growth so that somewhat keeps my hopes up for progressing. Earlier this year I decided to train with the "whatever it takes" motto and feel ive been somewhat reckless with my length of cycle. Before my last run I only took off six weeks so i know ive been shut down for a long time.

I'll be getting blood work in a week or two. My new insurance sucks ass