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    Thread: Why we juice....the hidden reasons

    1. #1
      Jozifp103's Avatar
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      Question Why we juice....the hidden reasons

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      • Why we juice....the hidden reasons

      • Why we juice....the hidden reasons
      • Why we juice....the hidden reasons
      • Why we juice....the hidden reasons
      • Why we juice....the hidden reasons
      • Why we juice....the hidden reasons
      • Why we juice....the hidden reasons
      Kind of a strange topic, but I tend to believe that a lot of people that cycle do it for other reasons than "they just wanna be big". When I was in college I did a sociology report where I conducted anonymous interviews with steroid users, and read into the history of some famous known steroid users. I noticed that most of them had some kind of back story that seemed to link to the reasoning for them using steroids. Whether it be bullying, abuse, sexual abuse, insecurity, drug abuse, etc.

      This led me to look into my own reasoning...

      While it may not be as extreme as some cases...I discovered the reasons deep in my subconscious for my steroid use, that I didn't even know were the reasons behind it.

      I was always a small, skinny, goofy kid. Always had aggression. I had to overcompensate with aggression for my lack of size and strength. I watched my mother (divorced) date a few guys...some who were real assholes to her in front of me and even pushed her around a bit. I had a sister 2 years younger who would bring home scumbag after scumbag. She'd come home with bruises, she got into drugs, etc etc. Having a single mom and a younger sister...I'm supposed to be the protector. Everytime i'd confront one of my sisters boyfriends I'd get my ass handed to me...and they were 2 years younger. It got to me that I was 130lb wimp who couldn't even protect my family. I started lifting at 19....packed on a good 40lbs...and plateaued. Still wasn't big enough to scare people (which is what I wanted to do)...and gains were slowing wayy down. So at 23 I ran my first cycle...and life has improved tenfold ever since.

      If anyone would like to share their hidden reasons for cycling...I'd love to hear it. This thread my be a flop....but I found it interesting that sometimes you don't even realize the real reason motivating your life decisions.

    2. #2
      chemicallyengineered's Avatar
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      Default Re: Why we juice....the hidden reasons

      I was always the skinny kid as well. I had a black belt in tae kwon do when I was a teenager and I got into two fights as a junior in high school. First fight I shoved the kid and he thought that was going to be it so I swept his legs out, caught him, kneed him in the chest and then let him hit the ground. Later that day his friend blindsided me while I was unlocking my car door. I told him I didn't want. To fight and he hit me again this time clipping my nose and I bled like a stuck pig. I remember dropping my books and grabbing him by the shirt and then just the teachers coming over to me and seeing all the blood on my car door. I was beside myself. I asked a friend who I give a ride home to everyday why he didn't help me. He said number one his friends had surrounded us and two, I handled him fine. He said I punched him in the sternum twice and knocked the wind out of him and then he jumped in a car because the teachers were coming. Not satisfied with the outcome I decided that no matter how good I was at tae kwon do, if I couldn't hit you hard enough to do damage, what good is it. I started working out to put some muscle behind the knowledge. I think I also believed if I looked like someone you wouldn't want to fuck with then I wouldn't have to defend myself. 100lbs and 20yrs later and I'm still not happy with what I see and having some size made some people want to test me.

    3. #3
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      Default Re: Why we juice....the hidden reasons

      mine is pretty cut and dry simple: i dont like being like everyone else for one and 2 i like to push my body to the limit in the sport i love. the greatest thing about bodybuilding is the fact that you are always competing against yourself. you can always improve on your last season and it is every changing evolving and a new learning experience each and every single day. what i look like to others i could care less, it is all about me and my goals
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      Default Re: Why we juice....the hidden reasons

      Like guns I also wanted to stand out from the crowd. Even amongst gym goers I want to stand out. I want that "wow" factor when you enter somewhere.

    5. #5
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      Default Re: Why we juice....the hidden reasons

      Quote Originally Posted by chemicallyengineered View Post
      I was always the skinny kid as well. I had a black belt in tae kwon do when I was a teenager and I got into two fights as a junior in high school. First fight I shoved the kid and he thought that was going to be it so I swept his legs out, caught him, kneed him in the chest and then let him hit the ground. Later that day his friend blindsided me while I was unlocking my car door. I told him I didn't want. To fight and he hit me again this time clipping my nose and I bled like a stuck pig. I remember dropping my books and grabbing him by the shirt and then just the teachers coming over to me and seeing all the blood on my car door. I was beside myself. I asked a friend who I give a ride home to everyday why he didn't help me. He said number one his friends had surrounded us and two, I handled him fine. He said I punched him in the sternum twice and knocked the wind out of him and then he jumped in a car because the teachers were coming. Not satisfied with the outcome I decided that no matter how good I was at tae kwon do, if I couldn't hit you hard enough to do damage, what good is it. I started working out to put some muscle behind the knowledge. I think I also believed if I looked like someone you wouldn't want to fuck with then I wouldn't have to defend myself. 100lbs and 20yrs later and I'm still not happy with what I see and having some size made some people want to test me.
      I love this. So true about getting bigger and people messing with you. I thought it would be the opposite....but I swear I got less shit from people when I was small.....now everyone wants a piece.

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      Default Re: Why we juice....the hidden reasons

      I trained naturally until I was 37. I noticed things changing in my body. My sex drive dropped off a bit, gains plateaued, and I started getting nagging injuries. I went and had my test levels checked and sure enough they were on the low side. I ran my first cycle of test and absolutely loved it! I felt instantly better. My tendonitis got better, my sex drive went crazy, and I started making huge gains. People started noticing and that's what really got me hooked. Now I have 20 year old guys asking me for training advice, what to eat, what to supplement, etc. and girls half my age hitting on me. I have no regrets except for the regular pinning lol. I plan on cycling until it has a negative impact on my health but all bloodwork has been great so far. I'm glad to be part of a community like this to educate me on doing everything the right way from the start. I'm 40 now and still have a lot of years of training ahead and I plan on loving every bit of it:-)

    7. #7
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      Default Re: Why we juice....the hidden reasons

      you guys have the opposite effect that i do and i stay pretty much covered up at all times. no one messes with me at all even to the point where i have been out and the bouncers have told me that if anyone gives me any trouble please take it outside because they dont want me messing anything or anyone up. i on the other hand will walk away because i learned many years ago that messing someone up is far more expensive than just walking away and i havent had to walk away in a long time
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      MOUNTAIN-MAN's Avatar
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      Default Re: Why we juice....the hidden reasons

      I started because I was super skinny

    9. #9
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      Default Re: Why we juice....the hidden reasons

      I was always the bad ass and was a bully for a short time. Getting on a program for me was all about feeling healthy. I hated myself when I was the bully and changed in the 7th grade. I was a good fighter and loved it and it was better when I thought I was protecting someone else. When I got older and felt all the pain and problems from all the damage to my body I wanted to feel better and started TRT. I am a kinder and more respectful person now then ever.
      The Best Thing About TRT Is The Cycle Never Ends.

    10. #10
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      Default Re: Why we juice....the hidden reasons

      Great topic for a thread! I admit that my reason was similar to yours. I was the tall, skinny kid that wasn't afraid to throw down but sometimes my mouth wrote checks my butt couldn't cash. I didn't look for trouble by any means, but I didn't run away from it either. I started lifting when I was 12 or 13 in my basement, and at 16 got my first gym membership. I thought I was doing okay for my size but that was the problem, my size; I was still thin, only more defined. I was also sick of spotting my lifting partner who was rapping much more weight than me on bench, squat, etc. Long story short, I finally managed to find some test when I was 21. My only goal was to get big and strong for the next few years until I was about 24. At that time I was more mature and married, thus I wasn't as concerned anymore about being big to handle myself or not get messed with, but instead my goal was to improve my physique to look and feel good. After a while it just developed into a way of life, to stay in shape and feel good about myself, and to set goals in the gym for weights and goals for size or definition.
      Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. George Washington

      I do not condone the use of, nor do I use anabolic or androgenic steroids. My participation on these boards is for informational purposes only. I have done extensive research of AAS and enjoy discussing them for role playing enjoyment.

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      Default Re: Why we juice....the hidden reasons

      Yes, this is a good topic for discussion.
      I guess I am one of the long time juicers on here lol...I started it because I wanted to win and I knew my competition was juicing so I said what the hell I have to juice, I have no choice lol..

    12. #12
      Jozifp103's Avatar
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      Default Re: Why we juice....the hidden reasons

      Love the discussion. It's funny how some of us have deep underlying reasons...and some of us just said..fuck it I wanna be huge lol. But yet here we all are sharing the same passion...living the lifestyle.

    13. #13
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      Default Re: Why we juice....the hidden reasons

      Quote Originally Posted by Jozifp103 View Post
      Love the discussion. It's funny how some of us have deep underlying reasons...and some of us just said..fuck it I wanna be huge lol. But yet here we all are sharing the same passion...living the lifestyle.
      you nailed it by calling it a lifestyle man. we all know and see all the puffed up water logged dumb asses pushing tons of aas with no nutrition or poor nutrition at best. in order to be the biggest and best you can possibly be you have to dot all the i's and cross all the t's. it is a way of life and then some regardless of the reason why we choose to do what we do.
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      Default Re: Why we juice....the hidden reasons

      Great replies, mfdvr and guns.

      I wear shirts with sleeves all the time, never tank tops because im so insecure about my arms. Everyone says man if i looked like you id be shirtless at all times. Its just a mental thing ya know.

      Im a textbook ectomorph and skinny my whole life. I trained natty until 25 and i actually made great gains during that time. No matter what happened in my life i was at the gym five days a week. After drugs got ahold of me it took years for me to get my mind back into shape so my body would follow. Ive always loved how chemicals affect the human body and the response it gives, not just in AAS but with food, vitamins, and other medical drugs, its the reason i wanted to get into sports medicine when i was young.

      After doing test only for three cycles I wanted to branch out and see what did what. So i just fell in love with the results and the well being that made me want to continue. Alot of you guys seem like the alpha male/fighter type, im the complete opposite. Im super laid back and im usually the moderator in arguments.

      Good topic!

    15. #15
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      • Why we juice....the hidden reasons
      • Why we juice....the hidden reasons
      • Why we juice....the hidden reasons
      • Why we juice....the hidden reasons
      • Why we juice....the hidden reasons
      I was always short still am aNd possibly an underlying reason. I never thought I would run gear but always had an interest in working out unfortunately I didn't have much opportunity where I grew up... When I left for work in northern bc a friend of mine I trusted gave me some liquid winny then when I asked how to use it he basically said it's a waste unless you add test etc. I trusted him and that is why I wasn't afraid to take the leap and ran a monster cycle before I learned nearly enough about the other aspects now I just love it, the feeling, the look, not being fat and at risk for diabetes and this first competition was probably one of the best experiences of my life....

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