Yes I start threads but I hope in my threads it not only brings out new and good advice for myself but for others too.. anyhow, so I will be on a dbol cycle soon and when on it before I had bad acid reflux. .. otc stuff can be harsh on the kidneys and liver in prolonged use studies.. so I did some research and found that when you introduce excess acids to the stomach it triggers the body to produce less acid and therefore reducing excess acid/acid reflux. I was skeptical but figured what have I got to lose.. went to walmart and bought Jamiesons apple cidar vinegar caps. Man this stuff smells and some comes out the pores but not too bad. Now, I have a little acid reflux on a regular but the added dbol makes it tons worse. . Within a day my acid reflux is gone, Nothin! I'm taking the minimum dose but will add an extra cap when I start the dbols. From what I've read it will stop the acid reflux. So far so good.
Hope this has helped someone. Maybe you already know and maybe not but hope it helps.
And yes GUNS, kidney issues gone, blood work was normal. Upped my liver and took a complex multi and ashawanga (think I spelt it right..?).