I will start a DNP log as soon as my Calcium Pyruvate gets here. I can not take stims because of my weird thyroid. My thyroid is normal now but will have the goiter taken out in the future.

OK with the skinfold calipers the % body fat is 15.5% but looking in the mirror I would guess between 18 and 20%. I train 5 days a week. M is chest and shoulders. T is back. W is cardio and abs. Th is legs. F is tri and bi.

I am not sure what to expect from DNP but according to the lab I should take it like this I will take 1 cap a day (250 mg) for a week to see how my body reacts. Then the next 2 weeks will be 2 caps a day. This will be taken along with

750 calcium pyruvate a day.

A little about the DNP I got. It is crystal instead of powder. The crystals are lab made instead of a byproduct of a manufacturing process. So it is more pure. It is combined with some amino acids.

I am just waiting for the pyruvate to come in to start my log.

If this is in the wrong place someone move it to the right place