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    Thread: tiny tim and me

    1. #1
      Tinytim'sGirl's Avatar
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      Question tiny tim and me

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      • tiny tim and me
      hello all
      well, tiny tim started using and i am very uncomfortable with this decision. i work in the medical field, and work directly with women an sexual dysfunction- which has a lot to do with hormones. subsequently, i've learned a lot about hormones and just how sensitive your body is to those changes and how health problems can even develop years after quitting. yes, i know that women's HRT and AS are different, but none the less it is messing with the body in a way that is very controversial.
      first of all, i have a problem with the whole legality issue. hello, i really don't want tiny getting into trouble and possibly jepordizing his career over something like this. also, if he deals with any friends, that is doing nothing but increasing his chances of getting into trouble. (which he has been debating).
      second, yes, i know that there are "safe" ways of using AS. quite honestly, i really don't think so. with any substance that someone wants to use that is illegal there will be thousands that say "look at me, i'm fine". there are so many health risks that i don't think are worth getting bigger.
      third, i am a healt nut. i work our 5-6 times a week complete with lifting and cardio. i eat very healthy. there is no health benifit to AS usage. it's all about image and nothing more. i think it is stupid to alter your body's natural hormones and potentially mess up something in your body just to gain weight and get bigger. you have one body in this life, and i am a believer that youshould respect it and take care of it- not try and defy what nature gave you and attempt to reach goals that are not reachable without the usage of an illegal substance, AS.
      working in the medical field i know i am biased to safe drug use. and i also know that with any drug, there are side effects. i also know that some things get blown out of proportion by media, and negative connotations have been associated with AS. however, based on my limited knowledge based on lit searches, dr. opinions (both here at work and in medical journals), and internet searches- the whole thing just seems rediculous. i don't know if i want to support such a habit that can hurt you, possibly get you into trouble, and has to be hidden because of legal concerns.
      i don't want to be controlling and ultimatly it is his decision. however, i am concerned and don't want anything bad to happen to someone i love. after all, if he and i spend the rest of our lives together i want him to be healthy and not at several health risks because of drug use. i just feel that such a habit is too risky.
      also, a side note, understand i have known him forever and have seen a healthy habit of working out turn into an obsession over time: first working out excessively, then taking a bazillion suppliments for everything imaginable, and now this. i'm afraid it's becomming an addiction and am wondering when it will stop.

      any comments will be appriciated. thanks guys
      -tiny tim's girl

    2. #2
      BouncersBabe's Avatar
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      Welcome to FG! Head over to the women's anabolic forum, those girls rock!

    3. #3
      DiamondBling's Avatar
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      Some of this I disagree. Yes, u can use them safely.

      I know alot of guys that use AS and are healthy and have a healthy lifestyle.

      They are illegal, but I would say that if you are smart about it and have in possesion that is obviously an amount for personal use, he should be safe.

      I still have a feeling that you are thinkin of us as the typical stereotype steriod user, even though u don't directly state it. That we abuse our bodies, use rec drugs are agressive animals.

      I think if you keep ready and ask questions, specifically ask questions instead of reading bias articles on use, u may be surprised.

    4. #4
      swolegreaser's Avatar
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      he's just trying to get his body into shape. He's a male and likes to look good in front of the mirror, theres nothing wrong with that. There's plenty of research done if you do steriods right there will be little or no side effects. I understand that you love and all of that, but he'll be fine.

    5. #5
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      press the search button on here and it will tel u all the 411 u want.

    6. #6
      scorpion's Avatar
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      i have a problem with the whole legality issue. hello, i really don't want tiny getting into trouble and possibly jepordizing his career over something like this.
      hmmmm...so if it where legal would you have a problem?

      with any friends, that is doing nothing but increasing his chances of getting into trouble. (which he has been debating).
      sounds like control issues...

      there is no health benifit to AS usage
      in moderate dosages AS does have "health benifits"

      i don't want to be controlling and ultimatly it is his decision. however, i am concerned and don't want anything bad to happen to someone i love. after all, if he and i spend the rest of our lives together i want him to be healthy and not at several health risks because of drug use. i just feel that such a habit is too risky.
      If your boyfriend keeps his AS use to moderate dosages .... takes all the ness precautions and does not do more than 4 cycles a year [which IMO is too many] IMO it is not as harmfull as smoking or drinking!

      Again as you said it is his decision

    7. #7
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      Default Re: tiny tim and me

      Originally posted by Tinytim'sGirl
      i am concerned and don't want anything bad to happen to someone i love.

      awww how cute.... ya got ta lover......

      cant let this one get away ........(you'll understand what i mean when i get a pic posted)
      Stuck in the Desert.

    8. #8
      swolegreaser's Avatar
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      good post scorpion...agree with u 100%

    9. #9
      HULK1550's Avatar
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      I think that if you are concerned and you care about him, which it seems you do. you could use your influence and knowledge to help ensure he is fact doing this the safe way. Not abusing anything, monitoring what he is taking and making sure he is getting everything tested. I would love to have someone like that. To step in when i want to do something stupid. I do think its great that you are not so close minded, and understand that some things have been blown out of proportion. Read a lot and i think you will understand more. And keep him safe.
      100% or Nothing

    10. #10
      tinytim's Avatar
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      thanks so far to those who have helped out .

      some more words of encouragement would be nice.....

      help a guy out
      Stuck in the Desert.

    11. #11
      Akamai's Avatar
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      TTsgirl there are actually a few well informed docs that reccomend a man over 30 2 light to moderate cycles a year to maintain lbm. There is also quite a bit of buried info that comes from AIDS research that says the complete oppisite of what the medical field has purpetuated for years.

      Since you you have a med background, it is not disputed that the reasons human beings age and deteriorate is because of less then optimal or declining hormone levels, and im not talking about the Hrt bullshit thAT dOCS HAVE BEEN HURTing the female population with. Now that doesnt mean that someone doing 2 grams of test and 100 mgs of winstrol a day is heathly but anything takin to the extreme will kill you.

      As far as the legal argument have him attempt to get a perscription and have his blood work done.

    12. #12
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      I have not really read the other posters -- just yours. My situation was not unsimilar -- however I was not deadset against it as you were. Sure I believed the anti-aas propaganda and more so becuase my brother was going pro baseball and refused to use them -- and he was an outcast.

      I digress....anyway -- if you are in the medical field (of which alot of my family members are as well) you also know that unfortunately what we hear from doctors and other is also all about big business. I was naive such as yourself and did not realize, until faced with some family illness (not related to AAS) that drugs and their funded studies are not very objective.

      How many times have we seen FDA approved medicines that come with a battery of studies saying it was safe -- only to be pulled from the shelves after hearing people die from it or are severely impaired?

      As for aas, I believe in CONTROLLED and educated circumstances it can be safe. I know some people who use and abuse and most others who are careful and measured in their use.

      If you have ever had coffee, alcohol, cigarettes, dabbled in weed or other recreational drugs -- you know that things can get out of hand or things can be managed properly.

      As for the legality of it, there are plenty of things that each of us do -- that are against the law -- yet you will continue to do them without thought. Not that the gravity of the crime is the same -- but a crime nonetheless.

      Now -- my husband had been asked BY me before we got married SEVERAL times if he used. He has been in the fitness industry his whole career (now he is vetinerary student).........he always said he never used them. Unfortunately the only way I found out was that he got sick from some bad gear -- hospitalized -- almost had to have his leg amputated.

      We worked closely with a sports med doctor who believes aas can be safe. While I was once against it, I educated myself -- staying up nights to study info on the net. I would speak with his doctor and learn. I would talk to my brother's former teammates and learn.

      While I am not telling you that you should be happy about it or telling you that there is nothing wrong with it, I do ask you since you are IN LOVE with this person is to open your mind. Educate yourself outside of the negative propaganda slant that you have. You will learn alot that can help him if he continues on this path. Equally you may not have to agree with his decision, but as his partner, you should be able to allow him the space and freedom within a relationnship to trust his judgment. Allow him to reach his goals. But only if you educate yourself on the matter, will you know he has taken it too far.

      Does that make sense? Instead of being even more against it after my husband was forced to tell me the truth, I oddly enough began to understand it, support it and have done a few cycles myself. While I am not telling you that you will do it someday, just open your mind. Knowledge is power.

      On the subject of obsession: that is apart from aas use. You need to address that issue totally unrelated from gear. An addictive personality when faced with a wall up for one addiction, transfers to another.........since you are in the medical field you know what I mean by this. So the underlying issue needs to be resolved -- aas is not the problem.

      If you have any further queries, you can pm me -- my journey to learn was presented with alot roadblocks.

    13. #13
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      Originally posted by HULK1550
      I think that if you are concerned and you care about him, which it seems you do. you could use your influence and knowledge to help ensure he is fact doing this the safe way. Not abusing anything, monitoring what he is taking and making sure he is getting everything tested. I would love to have someone like that. To step in when i want to do something stupid. I do think its great that you are not so close minded, and understand that some things have been blown out of proportion. Read a lot and i think you will understand more. And keep him safe.
      I agree. It sounds like he has made his decision. You should do research and encourage him to do the same and just make sure he doesnt get out of hand.
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    14. #14
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      Anti aging clinics actually prescribe AS. Better living through Chemistry babe.

    15. #15
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      Men can take femal hormones to become more feminine, yet it is forwned upon to take more male hormones to become more masculine?
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