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      Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate)

      by Bill Roberts – Equipoise (boldenone undecylenate) is historically a veterinary steroid but for some time has been available as an UGL human preparation as well.
      In the past, the principal reason for Equipoise’s use was it’s easy availability as a Mexican veterinary product. Presently, for the most part there is little specific reason to use Equipoise in an anabolic steroid cycle. There is nothing that it does anabolically that Masteron, Primobolan, Deca, or trenbolone will not do. In terms of side effects, likewise it has no advantage over Masteron or Primobolan, unless one desires the occasional side effect of increased appetite, or the side effect of its moderate conversion to estrogen. This can be useful if no other aromatizing steroid is being used.
      Effectiveness of Equipoise
      This is not intended to disparage the compound: it certainly can be put to good use in a steroid cycle. Its potency (effect per milligram) is comparable to most other injectable steroids, though less than that of trenbolone, and so for example addition of 400 mg/week is a substantial boost to most cycles. Alternately, if substituting boldenone for another injectable this can be done on a milligram-for-milligram basis.
      Half-Life of Equipoise
      A serious drawback of Equipoise is its long half-life, which is probably at least 12 days. This results in an extended period of time after the last injection during which levels are neither sufficiently high for optimal anabolism, nor low enough to allow recovery to occur. A solution for this problem is to use Equipoise in only the earlier part of a cycle.

      If you really want to boost your natural testosterone levels, and receive all the benefits that come with it ie. greater muscle mass and strength, improved endurance, enhanced recovery etc. It is the most important product you will ever use!.
      Frontloading Equipoise
      Another effect of the long half-life is that to achieve reasonably prompt effect, a large frontload is needed. I recommend that the first injection be an amount equal to 1.7 – 1.8 times the amount that will be used per week, plus the amount of the usual injection. So if for example the ongoing dosing will be 200 mg twice per week, on the first day the frontload should be about 900 mg.
      Most do not do this, and as a result they experience little effect from Equipoise until many weeks into the cycle. For this reason, it’s widely claimed that Equipoise cycles need to be long or otherwise they do not work, but this really is not so. Instead the problem is failure to frontload, or failure to fronload sufficiently.
      Another solution is to use the propionate ester, which now has some limited availability in powder form.
      Equipoise Side Effects
      Boldenone is metabolized by aromatase to estradiol, but to a lesser a degree than testosterone. It also is metabolized by the 5-AR enzyme, in this case to 17b-hydroxyandrost-1-ene-3-one, commonly but incorrectly called “1-testosterone” and sometimes called dihydroboldenone. This molecule’s potency is similar to that of boldenone, so the molecule is neither potentiated or deactivated by the 5-AR enzyme and therefore that metabolism is unimportant.
      Stacking Equipoise with Other Steroids
      Boldenone might be used in a couple of interesting ways, for example in combination with trenbolone to allow a lower dose of trenbolone while retaining similar anabolic effect and providing a needed amount of aromatizing steroid. It might also combined with Masteron or Primobolan, instead of testosterone, in self-prescribed HRT. The advantage would be reduced production of DHT. However, these uses have yet to be much explored.
      But in general, for most Equipoise is not a first-call anabolic steroid. Not for reason of any real lacks, but simply because there are other choices that generally will work as well for the overall cycle plan.
      Boldenone undecylenate is the chemical name of the active ingredient in Equipoise. Equipoise is a registered trademark of Wyeth Holdings Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

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      Equipoise Steroid
      The Equipoise steroid is one of the more popular among performance enhancers with strong similarities to testosterone. It is often a common mistake to compare the Equipoise steroid to the popular Nandrolone Deca-Durabolin but “EQ” as it is commonly known is not similar in nature or action and carries no reciprocal action revolving around progesterone as Deca does. The Equipoise steroid is however a very versatile anabolic steroid and can be well-suited for nearly any cycle and as it is generally well-tolerated it remains high upon the list of favorites.

      Origins of the Equipoise Steroid:
      Equipoise or Boldenone Undecleynate as it is chemically known is a steroid developed for use in horses hence the popular trade name linked to equestrian. Often referred to as a horse steroid the Equipoise steroid is a veterinarian grade steroid and is not manufactured in a traditional human grade form. Once developed this steroid proved to be very efficient for horses in providing them lean mass and strength and what’s good for a horse proved to be just as good for a man. Originally the idea was to create a slower longer lasting Dianabol type steroid but what was developed was a steroid that is much more testosterone related than anything else.

      The Benefits of the Equipoise Steroid:
      As a versatile steroid the Equipoise steroid greatly increases nitrogen retention and protein synthesis; a trait shared by many anabolic steroids but it definitely carries other traits worthy of note. The Equipoise steroid is well-equipped in increasing the release of erythropoietin more so than many other hormones of a performance nature. This is of both an interesting and important note as erythropoietin is a hormone responsible for red-blood cell output and production and this means our red blood cell count goes dramatically up.

      Only mildly androgenic yet decently anabolic the Equipoise steroid carries one potential trait that many performance enhancers find of particular interest and it is that of appetite stimulation. Many performance enhancers supplement with this anabolic steroid during their off-season in order to eat the necessary needed calories per day to grow that would otherwise be impossible to consume. Yes, absolutely, the Equipoise steroid also plays a positive role on our total metabolic function allowing for a more pleasing physique despite excess calories. This is not a license to eat but the individual who supplements with the steroid will be able to consume and process a larger amount of calories than he would be without EQ.

      When to use the Equipoise Steroid:
      As stated the Equipoise steroid is well-suited for any cycle. For the bulking cycle EQ will produce nice even gains but one should not expect massive buildups in size due to the steroid yet most of the mass obtained although slowly building will be that of lean tissue as this steroid does not aromatize heavily. Men who supplement with EQ also find the strength boost to be a very welcomed trait as this greatly helps them with hard off-season training. While bulking is a fine use the Equipoise steroid is perhaps best served during a cutting cycle assuming you can control the appetite stimulation; it should be noted the appetite stimulation will affect everyone differently. During a cutting cycle EQ is very well-suited in preserving lean tissue under a calorie restricted diet and again its strength increasing effect can be very useful. While these are fine traits where the Equipoise steroid really shines is in how it affects the condition of the individual by providing a harder more vascular appearance. In any case, regardless of purpose, for vanity or athletic performance EQ is always a fine choice.

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      Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate)
      Equipoise was actually created while attempting to make a product which would be be a long acting injectable d-bol (Methandrostenolone). What was actually created was a product which, in the real world acts nothing like D-bol, despite its similarity to it chemically. A simple way to think of Equipoise, chemically at least, is simply as Dianabol without the 17-alpha-methyl group (thats the thing which makes D-bol able to be ingested orally and not be destroyed by your liver). However, having had first hand experience with both Equipoise as well as D-bol, I can tell you that the results from each are vastly different.

      To make Equipoise, a double bond was added between carbon atoms 1 and 2 of the Steran Nucleus of Testosterone. What does this mean? Well, first of all, since Equipoise was created by one simple modification in the testosterone molecule, you could rightly suspect that it shares many similarities with it. Equipoise is just as anabolic as testosterone (as you can tell by its anabolic rating above), but only half as androgenic. Those ratings can be quite deceiving though, as I don't know anyone who would claim that you can gain as much weight on Equipoise as you can gain on an equal amount of testosterone (even though strength gains from the two compounds are very similar).

      Its not very common to compare Equipoise to testosterone; however a far more common comparison is between Equipoise and Deca. I suspect this is because when Dan Duchaine introduced this compound to the steroid using community, he made an immediate comparison to Deca, speculating that it would act similarly to Deca but like a much stronger version of it. Equipoise doesn't actually act much like deca at all; Deca is actually a progestin and a 19-nor derived steroid whereas Equipoise is more closely related to testosterone (being only one double bond differ rent). Duchaine later rescinded his original statement on Equipoise and said that it was disappointing as a mass builder when compared with deca, but a far better drug than for both strength gains and vascularity. Unfortunately, the myth that Equipoises action is similar to Deca's has persisted for nearly 2 decades after he revised his opinion; this is most evident on internet message boards today, where many will advise against including both of them in a cycle because "they act the same way."

      The 1-2 double bond that Equipoise has is responsible for many of its characteristics. First of all, it acts to slow aromatization (conversion into estrogen). The best estimate is that it does so at roughly half the rate of testosterone (1). This is the best number Ive found in studies. Athletes almost never report estrogenic side effects with Equipoise, even when the dose is up to a gram per week. Side effects caused by estrogen include oily skin, acne, and gynocomastia, and as I said, those are usually not found from Equipoise. Virilization (development of male sexual characteristics in women) is almost never seen with this compound, when reasonable doses are used by female athletes. This is one of the few injectable compounds which could be successfully be used by female athletes and bodybuilders, and isn't often faked.

      Clinical Equipoise and Athletes
      d-anabol,Dianabol,Steroids That double bond is also responsible for Equipoises resistance for being changed by the 5- 5-Alpha-reductase enzyme (2)(3). This enzyme converts a small amount of Boldenone into Dihydroboldenone, which is a very potent androgen (7x as anabolic as testosterone)(4). As I said though, such a small amount of it is converted that its really of no concern to most athletes taking Equipoise. This factor, plus its low aromatization rate mean athletes don't need to consider using ancillaries with Equipoise.

      Athletes taking Equipoise often report a slow and constant buildup of quality muscle, and certainly this has been my experience with the drug. I would speculate that this slow buildup of muscle is due to the very long ester attached to the Boldenone; Undeclynate is a longer ester than the decanoate ester by one carbon. Thus, we could expect the accumulation of muscle from Equipoise to actually occur at a slightly slower rate than that found with Deca (nandrolone decanoate). This leads me to advise that if you are considering the use of Equipoise, you should consider using it for no less than 12 weeks. Equipoise, like Deca, is also detectable in your system for a long time (although it is substantially less than Deca's detection time).

      Strangely, shorter estered versions of Boldenone are available as well. Anecdotally, many people (and manufacturers) claim that this produces less water retention...but water retention from Equipoise is virtually unheard of, so I consider this to be a silly idea.

      An informal poll I took on Steroid.com (as well as with my friends) seems to put the ideal dose of Equipoise at 600mgs/week. Most people I asked about their Equipoise experience with Equipoise seemed to think that using over 600mgs/week produced no additional results, but the jump from 400mgs/week to 600mgs/week produced noticeable additional gains, and thus was warranted. I have personally found very nice results from 400mgs-600mgs/week myself.

      Equipoise Side Effects
      One of the most pronounced effects in Equipoise is its ability to raise your RBCs (red blood cells). This is very typical of anabolic steroids; however, Equipoise would appear to do it to a slightly greater degree than most. One of the other effects most Equipoise users report is an increased appetite. I can say that this is true of me, also; this factor makes it impossible for me to diet on it. Its because of this ability to increase appetite that many will include Equipoise in a mass cycle, and its for the quality of muscle gained on it that many will include it in a cutting cycle. Its probably the most versatile injectable compound, next to testosterone. People even use a low dosed version of Equipoise to blend with irritating injectable drugs suck as testosterone suspension or Propionate. Im thinking of the old Ganabol version which was dosed at 50mgs/ml, here... its not that Equipoise is especially good to cut other steroids with, but the low dose and cost of Ganabol made it ideal to do this with, when sterile oil wasn't available or desirable. This low dosed version was also very popular with women, who were comfortable shooting 1cc of this stuff every few days or every week.

      Equipoise will cause a suppression of your hormones, such as endogenous testosterone, so I would also recommend using injectable testosterone in any cycle containing it. Failure to do so could result in possible sexual dysfunction and other sides.

      Buy Equipoise
      Finally, when you buy equipoise, one of the best parts of Equipoise is its low price and high availability. Equipoise is produced by most Underground Labs at very reasonable prices. You shouldn't be paying more than $50 for a 10cc bottle dosed at 200mgs/ml, and that price is true of Mexican veterinary products and underground labs alike.

      Id have to say that due to its incredible versatility, availability, and low price, Equipoise is going to be a staple in many cycles for a long time.

      Equipoise Steroid Profile
      Boldenone Undeclynate
      (1,4-androstadiene-3-one,1 7b-ol)
      Molecular Weight(base): 286.4132
      Molecular Weight (ester): 186.2936
      Formula (base): C19H26O2
      Manufacturer: Various
      Effective Dose (Men): 200-600mgs/week
      Effective Dose (Women): 50-100mgs/week
      Active life: 15 days
      Detection Time: Up to 5 months
      Anabolic/ Androgenic ratio: 100:50
      Equipoise References:
      Endocrinology 71 (1962) 920-25
      Metabolism of boldenone in man: gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric identification of urinary excreted metabolites and determination of excretion rates. Biol Mass Spectrom. 1992 Jan;21(1):3-16.
      Gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric analysis of boldenone urinary metabolites in man. Yao Xue Xue Bao. 1991;26(5):362-6. Chinese. Erratum in: Yao Hsueh Hsueh Pao 1991;26(9):687.
      Counsel et al., "Anabolic Agents. Derivatives of 5alpha-Androst-1-ene", J. Org. Chem., 27 (1962), 248-251

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      EQ.... One of my favorites!
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      I like EQ. Great thread

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      Thank u I try to find new stuff when I have time just some updated write ups

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      Default Re: EQ

      I ran eq for 20 weeks didnt gain much but blood pressure went way way up be careful with this if you stack it like I did .

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      Default Re: EQ

      I just started running this. Been getting lots of differing opinions on what it did for each person, but they were all men. Looking forward to seeing how it does for me as a woman.
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      Default Re: EQ

      Quote Originally Posted by Hy-Maint View Post
      I just started running this. Been getting lots of differing opinions on what it did for each person, but they were all men. Looking forward to seeing how it does for me as a woman.
      My wife used it at 100 mg week took about five weeks to see results but she got hard and very vascular out of it but she stopped and switched to deca when her bp went up a few points so now it's deca/ test combo for her

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      Default Re: EQ

      Quote Originally Posted by MOUNTAIN-MAN View Post
      My wife used it at 100 mg week took about five weeks to see results but she got hard and very vascular out of it but she stopped and switched to deca when her bp went up a few points so now it's deca/ test combo for her
      Nice. I'm doing 150. Its a long ester....isn't 5 weeks a pretty short run?
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      Quote Originally Posted by Hy-Maint View Post
      Nice. I'm doing 150. Its a long ester....isn't 5 weeks a pretty short run?
      I'm sorry she stYed on three mths five weeks till she or I noticed results from the eq

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      Quote Originally Posted by MOUNTAIN-MAN View Post
      I'm sorry she stYed on three mths five weeks till she or I noticed results from the eq
      yes, that makes more sense.
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      Default Re: EQ

      Quote Originally Posted by MOUNTAIN-MAN View Post
      My wife used it at 100 mg week took about five weeks to see results but she got hard and very vascular out of it but she stopped and switched to deca when her bp went up a few points so now it's deca/ test combo for her
      this was my course of action too, pretty similar experience

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      It used to be my staple years back, haven't used it in awhile. Might be time for some low dose...don't want to jack my bp!

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      My wife used it for 10 weeks and kept some good gains from just that.

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