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      Anavar (oxandrolone) is not very toxic, not very androgenic, mildly anabolic, and pretty mild on the bodys HPTA (Hypothalamic-Testicular-Pituitary-Axis). Those are its 4 major points, and Id like to examine each one a bit further; as usual, gym-rumors and internet conjecture has made this steroid the subject of many misconceptions.

      Anavar (Oxandrolone) Side Effects
      First of all, and this will come as no surprise to many people, Anavar (oxandrolone) is quite mild on your liver. Its probably the mildest oral steroid available today. Dosages of up to 80mgs/day are easily tolerated by most men, and most side effects often found with other steroids are not common with var (1). For this reason, Anavar is frequently the steroid of choice for many top level female bodybuilders and other athletes.

      Anavar Dosage
      Due to its being a mild steroid in every sense of the word, high amounts of Anavar dosage are needed. It binds reasonably well to the AR, but pretty high doses are still needed and I would never suggest doing less than 20mgs/day. In fact, 20-80mgs are needed to start halting AIDS related wasting(1) and recovering weight for burn victims (2) so thats the range Id recommend keeping your dosages in concerning this compound. Personally, Id use 100mgs/day if I were ever going to try this stuff. Any less than this amount (20-100mgs) would be a waste. For women, however, I think 2.5-10mgs/day would suffice. Virilation is not a concern with this compound, as it is only very mildly androgenic (3). Water retention is also virtually nil with it.

      Although Anavar is an oral steroid, and has been alpha-alkylated to survive oral ingestion and the first pass through the liver, its still relatively mild in that respect too..., the unique chemical configuration of anavar both confers a resistance to liver metabolism as well as noticable anabolic activity. It would also appear that Anavar appears not to exhibit the serious hepatotoxic effects (jaundice, cholestatic hepatitis, peliosis hepatis, hyperplasias and neoplasms) typically attributed to the C17alpha-alkylated AASs. (17) Anavar has even been used successfully in some studies to heal cutaneous wounds (7), or to improve respiratory function (18). Both of these novel properties could make it a good choice for in-season use for boxers, Mixed Martial Arts competitors, and other such athletes.

      Anavar and Fat Loss

      Anavar,var,Steroids Now heres some interesting stuff for anyone interested primarily in the fat loss properties of this stuff: Anavar may be what wed call a "fat-burning steroid". Abdominal and visceral fat were both reduced in one study when subjects in the low/normal natural testosterone range used anavar (4). In another study, appendicular, total, and trunk fat were all reduced with a relatively small dose of 20mgs/day (8), and no exercise. In addition, weight gained with var may be nearly permanent too. It might not be much, but youll stand a good chance of keeping most of it. In one study, subjects maintained their weight (re)gains from anavar for at least 6 months after cessation (2)! Concomitantly, in another study, Twelve weeks after discontinuing anavar, 83% of the reductions in total, trunk, and extremity fat were also sustained (8)! If youre regaining weight, Anavar will give you nearly permanent gains, and if you are trying to lose fat (and you keep your diet in check), the fat lost with Anavar is basically looks to be nearly permanent. Check this chart out:

      Absolute change in total fat mass (A) and trunk fat (B) by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry from baseline to study week 12 (solid bars) and from baseline to study week 24 (open bars) in the placebo (n = 12) and the oxandrolone (n = 20) study groups. Values are means SE. *Significant decrease from baseline, P < 0.001. Significant difference between study groups for change in fat mass from 0 to 12 wk, P < 0.001. (15)(8)

      Anavar Cycles
      Keep in mind this is all without any Post-Cycle-Therapy, and without any change in diet or training! And although many of the studies done on anavar use elderly men or young boys as the test subjects, some evidence suggests that many of the effects of anavar are not age dependant (11). If you are following the typical "time on = time off" protocol, this means you can lose a bunch of fat during your time on, then keep most (if not all) of it off until your next cycle. That makes it a great drug for athletes who are drug tested and need to be clean for their season, yet need to keep the fat/weight they lost on their cycle off& Im thinking about wrestlers and other weight-class athletes. Anavar is also the clear choice for a "spring-cutting" cycle, to look great at the beach and you can use it up until the summer starts, and then keep the fat off during the entire beach season!

      Anavar is great for strength and cutting purposes, but not for bulking or a lot of weight gain. In other words, what Im saying is that everything you gain will be solid. Personally I am leaning towards a theory which basically purports that the more solid your gains are, the more youll keep (percentage-wise). It makes sense, when you think about it; people make a lot of weight gains on the highly water-retentive steroids (Dbol, A50, long estered testosteones, etc. ), but lose the greatest percentage of their gains afterwards. The same seems to be opposite for the steroids which cause less (or no) water retention (Anavar, Primo, Winstrol, etc& ).

      So why else may you keep such a high proportion of what you gained on var? Well, I think it may be due to its relatively light impact on the HPTA, which brings me to my final point; Anavar will not totally shut down your HPTA, especially at lower doses (unlike testosterone, which will eventually do this even at a 100mg dose, or deca which will do it with a single 100mg dose). This could be due, at least partly, to the fact that Anavar doesnt aromatize (convert to estrogen).

      Serum testosterone, SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin), and LH (Leutinizing Hormone) will be slightly suppressed with low doses of Anavar, but less than with other compounds. FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) , IGF1 (Insulin Like Growth Factor 1) and GH (Growth Hormone) will not be suppressed with a low dose of Anavar, but will actually be raised significantly (12)(13)(14) as you may have guessed, and LH will even experience a "rebound" effect when you stop using anavar (3) If your endocrine system and HPTA are functioning normally, you should be able to use anavar with minimal insult to it, and can even keep most of your values within the normal range (5).

      Thus, Anavar may even be ideal for use in bridges between cycles, (at very low doses under 10mgs perhaps), or as previously mentioned, for cutting/strength cycles at 50-100mgs.

      How to Buy Anavar
      Its relatively high cost is its only major drawback when you buy Anavar. Tablets can typically sell in Mexico or on the black market for up to a dollar (1USD) per 10mgs. Many black market dealers or Underground Labs, however offer capsules, liquid form (or in some cases, even their own brand of tabs) for substantially less money than the legit pharmaceutical versions, or even veterinary versions found overseas.

      Anavar Profile
      Molecular Weight: 306.4442
      Formula: C19H30O3
      Melting Point: 235 238 Celcius
      Manufacturer: BTG, SPA, Originally Searle (1964)
      Effective dose: (Men)20-100mgs/day (or .125mg/kg~bdywt); (Women) 2.5-20mgs.day
      Active Life: 8-12 hours
      Detection Time: 3 weeks
      Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio (Range): 322-630:24
      Anavar References:
      Proj Inf Perspect. 1997 Nov;(23):19.
      Burns. 2003 Dec;29(8):793-7
      Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 1993 Apr;38(4):393-8.
      Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1995 Sep;19(9):614-24
      Segal S, Cooper J, Bolognia J., Treatment of lipodermatosclerosis with oxandrolone in a patient with stanozolol-induced hepatotoxicity., J Am Acad Dermatol 2000 Sep;43(3):558-9
      Demling RH., Oxandrolone, an anabolic steroid, enhances the healing of a cutaneous wound in the rat., Wound Repair Regen 2000 Mar-Apr;8(2):97-102
      J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2004 Oct;89(10):4863-72.
      Demling RH, Orgill DP., The anticatabolic and wound healing effects of the testosterone analog oxandrolone after severe burn injury., J Crit Care 2000 Mar;15(1):12-7
      Hart DW, Wolf SE, Ramzy PI, Chinkes DL, Beauford RB, Ferrando AA, Wolfe RR, Herndon DN., Anabolic effects of oxandrolone after severe burn., Ann Surg 2001 Apr;233(4):556-64
      Demling RH, DeSanti L., The rate of restoration of body weight after burn injury, using the anabolic agent oxandrolone, is not age dependent., Burns 2001 Feb;27(1):46-51
      Demling RH, DeSanti L., Oxandrolone, an anabolic steroid, significantly increases the rate of weight gain in the recovery phase after major burns., J Trauma 1997 Jul;43(1):47-51
      Papadimitriou A, Preece MA, Rolland-Cachera MF, Stanhope R., The anabolic steroid oxandrolone increases muscle mass in prepubertal boys with constitutional delay of growth., J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab 2001 Jun;14(6):725-7
      Doeker B, Muller-Michaels J, Andler W, Induction of early puberty in a boy after treatment with oxandrolone? Horm Res 1998;50(1):46-8
      J Appl Physiol 96: 1055-1062, 2004. First published October 24, 2003; doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00808.2003 8750-7587/04
      James JS., Wasting syndrome: oral oxandrolone re-released in U.S., AIDS Treat News 1995 Dec 22;(no 237):3-4
      Drugs. 2004;64(7):725-50.
      Mt Sinai J Med. 1999 May;66(3):201-5.

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      Anavar Dosages
      Anavar dosages can vary quite a bit depending on the individual at hand and it is not merely a variation based on sex but independent goals can also play a very large factor. Without question standard Anavar dosages will run much lower for women than they do for men but the good news for the female athlete is she is generally more sensitive to the hormone on a per milligram basis. This simply means the female user will not need as much to receive the same benefit as a man at a higher dose. Lets take a look at some of the various purposes as to why an individual might supplement with the Oxandrolone hormone and determine what the adequate Anavar dosages might be.
      Anavar Dosages for Cutting:
      Without question it will be cutting cycles that prove to be the most efficient time to supplement with the Oxandrolone hormone and it will prove to be the female athlete who benefits from it the most. Anavar is not only female friendly but very beneficial; so much so that many women find it is the only steroid they need. Typical Anavar dosages for a female cutting cycle will often be in the 10mg per day range and often this is all the Oxandrolone that is needed. Such a dose will aid in reducing body-fat, preserving muscle while on a calorie restricted diet and preserve it as well while under strenuous activity such as training. Further, the physique will appear harder, tighter and all-in-all carry and possess a more pleasing look. Anavar dosages for the female athlete can go higher, 20mg per day is not uncommon and can prove to be effective; however, while this hormone is generally well-tolerated some women may begin to show signs of virilization at such a dose. Before any woman increases total Anavar dosages beyond the 10mg range she should be comfortable at this initial dose and creep up in 5mg marks before making a full jump to 20mg per day.

      Anavar,var,Steroids For the male athlete looking to lean out Anavar dosages will be much higher than a womans and will typically start at 50mg per day. Yes, smaller doses can be used but 30mg will prove to be the minimum and for many will not be that effective; 50mg per really should be your standard. While 50mg will work 80mg will prove to be far more effective and in almost all men generally side-effect free. It should be noted, while women will often receive solid benefits from this steroid alone most men will find it better served as part of a stack and never as a foundational anabolic steroid. For the gym rat looking to tighten up for the beach this can be a fine steroid of choice but in most other cases where the look of a physique is concerned such as in competitive bodybuilding, most will find other alternatives to be far more efficient.

      Anavar Dosages for Bulking:
      For the male athlete in his bulking season the Oxandrolone hormone is generally reasoned to be a poor choice as it is not well-suited for large buildups in mass. Make no mistake; it can build lean tissue just not to any significant degree. To receive any reasonable gain in size through the Oxandrolone hormone while bulking most men are going to need 80mg-100mg per day to receive any such benefit and when we consider the price of this hormone such Anavar dosages prove to be very inefficient on a price to benefit ratio.

      For the female athlete we can make an exception as this can be a fairly decent bulking agent; as you recall women are more sensitive to the hormone. No, it will more than likely not put on piles of lean tissue but it can with enough calories present in the diet bring about a nice lean tissue gain. Further, as water weight is of no concern with this steroid every last pound of tissue gained will be that of 100% pure lean muscle mass. As was with cutting Anavar dosages 10mg per day will be the place to start; if the woman really wants to put on some size 20mg may prove to be fine here but she needs to have a good understanding of how her body reacts first before attempting such a dose. Further, as Anavar dosages are so low for most women, while the hormone isnt cheap, because they need so little it proves to be much more efficient on a price to benefit ratio.

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      Anavar Side Effects
      Anabolic androgenic steroids carry with them a potential for negative side effects this is true and while such side effects are commonly blown out of proportion they do exist yet largely vary from one steroid to the next in-terms of types and probability. It is also very important to note, while there is a probability that exist individual response and largely personal responsibility play a massive role with the latter being far more important. In the case of Anavar side effects we have one of the most side effect friendly anabolic steroids of all time as it is generally very well-tolerated by both men and women greatly.

      Non-Existent Anavar Side Effects:
      In the world of anabolic steroids many of the side effects that exist do so due to an aromatizing nature of the hormone. Many anabolic steroids once present in the body, as by their testosterone nature convert into estrogen; as estrogen levels increase such related side effects can occur. For this reason many athletes supplement with aromatase inhibitors alongside their anabolic steroids to keep estrogen levels under control; however, as Anavar side effects are not of an estrogenic nature such precaution is not necessary. Estrogenic related problems such as Gynecomastia and water retention are of no concern when the Oxandrolone hormone is being used.

      Blood Pressure Cholesterol Testosterone:
      Blood pressure and cholesterol issues can be some of the negative Anavar side effects in some but they are both very rare and largely dependent on other factors in the individuals life; in most cases we have a very blood pressure and cholesterol friendly anabolic steroid in Oxandrolone. As it pertains to testosterone, as you understand the presence of anabolic androgenic steroids suppresses natural testosterone production; how great the suppression is varies from one steroid to the next but suppression will exist to one degree of another. In the case of Anavar we have one of the more suppression friendly hormones we could ever use and while it is friendly some suppression will occur. For this reason men who supplement with the Oxandrolone hormone are urged to take precaution and supplement with some form of exogenous testosterone; while Anavar side effects may be mild the symptoms of low testosterone are not.

      Anavar Side Effects & Women:
      As it is often called The Girl Steroid it carries this name because Oxandrolone is so well-tolerated by women in terms of negative or adverse reactions. Many anabolic androgenic steroids cannot be used by women if they are concerned with virilization which simply refers to masculinization effects. Virilization can lead to a deepening of the vocal chords, body-hair growth, and clitoral enlargement and even in some cases hair-loss in the frontal region of the scalp. However, most women who supplement with Anavar will find such effects to be non-existent when used responsibly and will only enjoy the benefits of this very friendly hormone. Yes, Anavar side effects can cause virilization in some women but normally only if doses are exceeded beyond the recommended amount; almost all women who stay in the 10mg per day range for periods of 6 weeks will be fine. For those who do begin to show any negative reaction do not freak out; merely discontinue use and the symptoms will fade away very quickly; it is when symptoms are ignored and allowed to set in that permanent changes can become a reality.

      Anavar Side Effects of DHT:
      Like all DHT anabolic steroids Anavar side effects can include acne and hair-loss but there are important things to note. Most who supplement with this steroid will not fall prey to acne if they keep their skin clean and generally only those who are predisposed to serious acne problems will have a problem. Further, one reason some run into problems is because they purchase products of an unsanitary nature; as always, buy human grade and only human grade and so many of your concerns will be eliminated. As it pertains to hair-loss, it is true, Anavar side effects can include this as can almost all DHT steroids but its not as cut and dry as you think. If any DHT derived anabolic steroid causes you to lose any hair guess what; you were going to lose it any way. DHT based hair-loss only speeds up the process, you were already going to go bald. If you are not predisposed to male pattern baldness there is no DHT steroid on earth that will cause you to lose the first hair, not even Anavar.

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      Anavar Results
      When discussing performance enhancing be it with a newbie or someone completely unfamiliar there is one very common question, in-fact its the most common of all; what will the results be? Sure, in some small way there might be a one-size fits all answer but if youve been around performance enhancing for any period of time you understand thats not really true. There are literally hundreds of different anabolic steroids available and while many of them carry very similar properties and many can provide very similar results, the results obtained from one to the next can also be very different. Add into the equation peptide hormones, AIs, SERMs, fragment hormones and on and on and the results you can obtain do just that; they go on and on. With all of that in mind, here we are concerned with one thing, Anavar results, what they entail and hopefully determining whether or not Anavar results in a steroid worth your time.
      Bulking Anavar Results:
      For the off-season athlete, especially one of a bodybuilding or power lifting nature Anavar results in very little to warrant use during this period of time. As a mild steroid it will do very little in-terms of providing noteworthy size, even at a high dose it simply isnt structured to meet this end; to give you an idea of how poor of a bulking agent it can be, in most men 20mg of Dianabol would result in more lean tissue gain than 100mg of Anavar.

      For the performance athlete, say an off-season baseball or football player or any other athlete you can think of, Anavar results might be a little more welcomed during their off-season approach. The Oxandrolone steroid is well-suited for preservation, regeneration and repair of damaged muscle tissue and as many of these athletes only want a slight bump such might lend them to progression during hard off-seasons training.

      Anavar,var,Steroids Without question it will be off-season female athletes who will see Anavar results to be the most beneficial during the off-season period; even those who are looking for added size. Women are far more sensitive to the Oxandrolone hormone than men and while it will not pile on massive amounts it will add more tissue to them than in men and every last once will be just that, lean tissue. Further, as Anavar results in very little virilization effects if it all, making it one of the most side-effect friendly steroids of all time, all-in-all it is the perfect off-season steroid for most female athletes.

      Cutting Anavar Results:
      For a good cutting cycle the long and short can be summed up very easily; Anavar results in a leaner, harder and more pleasing physique, plain and simple. This is one of the few anabolic steroids we may aptly label primarily a cutting steroid in the same light as Winstrol. Almost all anabolic steroids can be used for both cutting an bulking cycles and often to a similar level of efficiency but in this case Anavar results in almost pure cutting fashion and quality. As discussed above the Oxandrolone hormone greatly preserves and repairs muscle tissue but it further greatly promotes total metabolic activity and fat burning.

      While this steroid can be useful to a male, especially one desiring a beach look it will again be female athletes who benefit from Anavar results to the greatest degree during the dieting process; in-fact, if it were not for this steroid the fitness industry itself would not exist in the state it does; those female fitness models advertising your favorite protein bar, they didnt fall out of the sky. Its no secret, it can be harder for women to lose body-fat than men and when they do holding onto lean tissue can be even harder. This is where anabolic steroids become useful but as so many can be so damaging to a womans femininity, often they cant touch them. This is where Oxandrolone comes into play as it can be in almost all cases 100% side-effect friendly and only produce a positive outcome when used responsibly.

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      Anavar for Women
      While the steroid can be used effectively by men Anavar for women is far more effective and efficient; so much so we can and many often do label Oxandrolone the official girl steroid. In the world of anabolic steroids Anavar for women is as testosterone is for men; nearly the perfect steroid. Many and by many we mean most anabolic steroids can be very harsh for the female user and can cause a host of unwanted side-effects; most commonly of a virilization nature and such effects can absolutely destroy a womans femininity. This is not the case here; with the Anavar steroid not only do we have a mild hormone but one that is very side-effect friendly and that will in most cases bring no virilization to women who use it responsibly.

      Off-Season Anavar for Women:
      During an off-season period of growth the goal is simple; to gain more lean tissue plain and simple. During the off-season, due to the mild nature of this steroid most men will find very little use for it with other anabolic androgenic steroids being far more efficient. Sure, gains can be made but it will in most cases take a massive amount and this can be very costly to your pocket book. However, Anavar for women during this period is a very different story; while the Oxandrolone hormone is mild in nature females are far more sensitive to the hormone and will yield a higher return in-terms of growth on a per milligram basis.

      Dieting Anavar for Women:
      While off-season Anavar for women can be fantastic, without question it is during the dieting process that it really shines. Of all the performance enhancing drugs available Oxandrolone is one of the primary featured as to why the fitness look exists as it does today. As is common knowledge women can have a much harder time losing body-fat than men and like men when body-fat is lost a loss of lean muscle tissue often accompanies it. While losing body-fat in of itself is always good losing muscle tissue is not a positive trait as this only slows down our metabolism; the more lean tissue we have the greater our metabolic efficiency is. This is again where the Oxandrolone steroid really shines as it greatly preserves lean tissue when calories are restricted and even directly increases overall metabolic efficiency; yes, we burn fat to a higher degree when Anavar is present. Further, as an added bonus the steroid will lend to the physique being tighter thereby presenting a more pleasing look for the finished product. While its not a necessity for any female athlete Anavar for women can send them beyond what they could ever do without it.

      The Side-Effects of Anavar for Women:
      All anabolic androgenic steroids carry with them possible side-effects and each one carries a specific level of probability. Just because a particular steroid has possible side-effects does not it will occur any more than it means the side-effects of Aspirin will occur; it simply means there is a chance; luckily, as it pertains to Oxandrolone the probability is low. This is one of the primary reasons Anavar for women is so highly desired as it is one of the few anabolic steroids they can use effectively without nasty side-effects. The most common and worrisome side-effects of anabolic steroid use in the female user is always virilization as such effects can cause a deepening of the vocal chords, body-hair growth and even clitoral enlargement. Such effects can be devastating to a woman as they attack her very nature and while they are still a concern here, if used properly there is hardly a woman out there who will have any need for worry at all. If doses and total duration of use is kept in a responsible manner most all women will only experience positive results; of course there are some who even with the slightest amount may show negative symptoms and if you are one of the unfortunate few all hope is not lost. If you supplement with the Oxandrolone hormone and begin to show signs of virilization simply discontinue use immediately and the symptoms will go away. It is when such symptoms are ignored and allowed to set in that they become a problem. Is Anavar for women perfect? Maybe not perfect but it is very close.

      Doses & Duration of Anavar for Women:
      Generally speaking 10mg-20mg is a fine dosing to serve any female purpose with 20mg per day being as far as most will want to go. While it is a mild steroid virilization probability can increase a fair amount when this dosing level is surpassed. Most women are highly advised to begin with 10mg per day and often this is all the Anavar they will ever need. If more is needed to achieve the desired result make sure you can handle the lower dose first before increasing it and if you do increase it you should use extreme caution and pay close attention to your body as to ensure virilization does not occur. In most cases 6 weeks of use will prove to be just about perfect with 8 weeks being about as long as most will want to go. If you need or desire more time it is advised you discontinue use for 4-6 weeks before beginning another course.

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