So, I am half way through the 3rd week of my cycle, testP/MAST 100/100 EOD. So far i have only been hitting the glutes for my inj and it has been steadily painful to say the least. Now, going into this cyc I was told and have read that most of the pain is caused by the Prop and not the MAST, but how beneficial is the MAST? and can I safely drop it out of the cycle and continue on with Prop only without any harm to myself? For the past few days I have noticed a heavier heartbeat than normal and during my cardio sessions I am experiencing a little more fatigue than normal, some of it is due to my diet not being 110% and some sleepless nights (tonite being one of them). Mainly I am just concerned with dropping out the MAST without any sides that way i can rotate more more on my inj sites with less gear. Thoughts? Concerns? Advice? Honestly, if summer wasnt around the corner I would have just ran my testE that i have, but water retention isn't something I want right now. Plus, I have some Clen ordered with a bottle of Nolva also, I have been running an oral Arimidex at .5mg EOD also b/c it was something I had on hand at the time, which again, thoughts on cutting out the Arimidex and having the Nolva on hand just in case? My nips usually get a bit sensitive a few hours after my inj but doesnt last long and so far no signs of gyno...