Been on for 8 months now and coming off. Please critique my PCT. Not really looking for ' I would do it different answers '. looking more for ' you've been on too long and that won't work' or ' you're missing this' answers. 8 months consisted of: 3 months of 525 prop/ wk along with 100 Mgs deca/ week for joints. 2 months cruise of 100- 200 Mgs test week. The. 3 months 600- 800 test week, 450- 525 Mgs NPP/ wk along with 4 weeks dbol and hgh at 2-4 iu's for a few months. My pct plan is as follows:

Hcg starting last week of test Cyp: 500 iu 3x week for 3 weeks
Clomid: standard 3 week protocol (300 x 1 day, 100 x 10, 50 x 10)
Aromasin 25 Mgs eod til end of clomid
Proviron and cialis as needed

This is all I have on hand so thats why I came up with that plan. If it's too short or just work after 8 months please steer me in right direction. Thanks!