Ok fellas Im pretty damn smart but want to hear yalls opinion. Get ready for what may be a long post.

Ive been juicing for probably 8 years, most of you may know me cuz Ive been around for a while.

Im not going to get into how many cycles Ive done because I have no idea. Ive used almost everything under the sun other than GH and Slin.

Now hears the deal. For ohh Id say the last 3-4 years I have been blasting and cruising. Never went off. In fact...mostly blasting. I decided I want to have kids some day (crazy right). So back in Oct. I got rid of all my shit and went on PCT. I did this:

weeks 1-8 Nolva 40mg/day
Weeks 1-4 Clomid 100mg/day
weeks 1-4 IGF-1 50mcg/day
weeks 1-8 DAA 6g/day

Since completing PCT I have been on large amounts of maca, tribulus plus normal dosing with vit D, and ZMA.

Ive felt pretty good since, in regards to energy, motivation, mood, sleep etc. The only two things I noticed was I lost about 20lbs (prob half was water...not bad) and my sex drive took a nose dive.

Now due to the ongoing sexual side effect I went to the doctor to get some blood tests. Here are the results:

Total T: 265 ng/dl Ref Range 292-1052 ng/dl
Free T: 3.4 ng/dl Ref Range 4.8-25 ng/dl

Now that shit is hella low. Heres whats even more interesting:

LH: 5.1 Ref Range 1.2-7.8
SHBG: 60 Ref Range 16-94

(wish I had FSH tested)

Whats interesting is that my LH is in the higher/optimal range but my both my total t and free t are hella low. What Im thinking is that I may have completely desensitized my leydig cells to LH (and possible FSH but don't know yet). If this is the case well I think Im fucked.

I recently just ordered some all natural supplements to see if they help out and will dose in the following manner:

5 days on 2 days of for 70 days:

Hcgenerate (6 caps on dosing days)- chose this because fadogia sounds interesting and I speculate stimulating leydig cells may be one of its methods of action

Tongkat Ali 1:200 (1200mg on dosing days)- chose this because of some clinical trials. Now this is the legit tongkat from Sumatra pasak bumi (only true source)

Core Alpha (2 caps on dosing days)- chose this because I like the profile on it and sounds promising.

Now Im not looking for supplement advice because this is what Im going to do regardless. already ordered the shit and it was hella expensive. However, if anyone knows something that can potentially upregulate the leydig cell sensitivity please chime in.

If this doesn't work after next blood draw Ill ask doc to give me HMG, HCG, and Clomid as a last ditch effort to avoid TRT. But if that doesn't work, well looks like Ill be pinning for life with a small chance at having a child.

This post should serve as caution to cycle properly
guys but maybe it will help some guys out later on whem I find out the results. Also anyone who has any comments/recomendations please chime in.