i'm in my forth week of an original 8 week cycle, wich I have recently decided to extend to 10 weeks.
I am at 2 amps/wk, but i only have 3 omnas left.
No more Omna's avail, but 10 cc of Cyp is.
Should I go 1 amp Omna/ 1 Cyp. - until Omna runs out , then finish with 2 cc/wk of cyp up to 10 weeks?
My dbol tabs are running low - i didnt intend to get more, I'll stay at 4/day until gone.
Also, what post cycle therapy should i get? What kind of doseage and when should I start.
I cant get any good info around here. I at least want to come close to a good cycle my first time through.
Thanks for the help bros.