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  • Bromo really work??
  • Bromo really work??
  • Bromo really work??
  • Bromo really work??
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  • Bromo really work??

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  • Bromo really work??
  • Bromo really work??
  • Bromo really work??
  • Bromo really work??
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    Thread: Bromo really work??

    1. #1
      mj23's Avatar
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      Default Bromo really work??

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      • Bromo really work??
      • Bromo really work??

      • Bromo really work??
      • Bromo really work??
      • Bromo really work??
      • Bromo really work??
      • Bromo really work??
      • Bromo really work??
      I just ended fina/prop winny after 4 weeks do to some gyno I developed over fina. I know it wasn't the prop because I never had a prob before. I took vitex and liquidex (I know it does not block prolactin) and my nips got really sensitive andd rock hard. I then felt a lump and some discomfort in my right breast so I had to stop when it was just really getting started I ordered some bromo a nd want to resume for 6 more weeks but was wanting to hear about bromo stories. Who has used it that had probs with fina and it worked etc?

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      mj23's Avatar
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      why is the ? next to my handle....just curious

    3. #3
      CJWolf's Avatar
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      you haven't edited your sex on your profile ...

    4. #4
      superchicken's Avatar
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      it works good for most people but some are just so sensitive to prolactin sides it may not be enough. dostinex is even more powerfull than bromo, but more $$ as well.

    5. #5
      prolangtum's Avatar
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      Overrated, Tren raises progesterin, progesterin is an estrogen antagonist. Only way progesterone causes gyno, is by raising IGF-1 levels, so alls you really need is Nolvadex, to lower IGF-1 levels. IGF-1 gyno, is sometimes seen when people take large doses of HGH.
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    6. #6
      BossDJ02's Avatar
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      • Bromo really work??
      • Bromo really work??

      • Bromo really work??
      • Bromo really work??
      • Bromo really work??
      • Bromo really work??
      • Bromo really work??
      • Bromo really work??
      Originally posted by prolangtum
      Overrated, Tren raises progesterin, progesterin is an estrogen antagonist. Only way progesterone causes gyno, is by raising IGF-1 levels, so alls you really need is Nolvadex, to lower IGF-1 levels. IGF-1 gyno, is sometimes seen when people take large doses of HGH.
      good read

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