I was hoping some of you might be able to help me here. I have pics scheduled for June 17th, any suggestions for preparing? Im on about 50g carbs/day, only post workout, dropping fat pretty good. I havent had a cheat meal or a carb up day in 6 weeks, only because I was about 16% BF 6 weeks ago, and I have a very slow metabolism. Im currently 5'11" at 215 and about 12%BF. I have been running 250mg/enanthate and 600mgEQ for the past 10 weeks. 6 weeks before pics I will be switching to 100mg/prop EOD, 50mg winny ED, and 600mg EQ.

Thinking of cutting out the prop the week before pics to drop any water, but running the rest straight through. I will bump cardio up to 30mins am and 30mins pm for the final 4 weeks.

How should I prepare for the pics as in water, sodium, etc? when would be the best time to carb up, the day before or day of? Thanks. I have never been extremely vascular, even at 8-9% bf, I would like to get as vascular as possible for pics.