insulin and creatine
Sending Insulin To The Muscles

Dr. Bob was a MD internal medicine, orthomolecular doctor, MD psychiatrist, chiropractor, and healer 65 years. He was a diabetic who lived to 108 years with only 1 side effect 2 years before he passed away. He treated diabetics for over fifty years and he mainly did what he called "old fashioned doctoring."

Insulin going to the muscles has several benefits to diabetics. First it helps use up excess blood sugar. This of course improves glucose tolerance. Second, forcing insulin to the muscles reduces the amount of insulin in the blood. This is of great benefit to diabetics.

Creatine is a natural substance in the body that was discovered in 1832. In humans over 95% of the total creatine content is located in skeletal muscle. Studies have shown that creatine levels in the skeletal muscles can be increased by creatine supplementation. In a general sense the function of creatine in the muscles is to enhance energy production. It does this at the cell level. In order for this to happen creatine must be insulin-mediated. Studies demonstrate that insulin can enhance muscle creatine accumulation only when creatine is present in high concentrations. In other words, for diabetics to get the benefit of insulin taken out of the bloodstream and being sent to the muscles, high enough levels of creatine must be present in the muscles.

Dr. Bob advised creatine supplementation. He said take 5 grams of creatine on an empty stomach in the morning. He said the best form of creatine, was creatine monohydrate.

In conclusion, creatine can help enhance glucose metabolism. Diabetics should consider supplementation of creatine to get this benefit. Diabetics con consider consulting with a nutritional specialist to consider the benefits of creatine supplementation.

Note – In order for these anti-aging ideas to be successful, you must use supplements of the highest quality. Dr. Bob often said, "almost all supplement companies produce poor quality." You can consider the product page of this web site. Almost all the products met Dr. Bob’s approval. Since he passed away we have attempted to keep the same high standards.


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The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated any of the statements contained on this web site. The information contained in this article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Remember each person's body is different and will react differently to various herbal, vitamin and mineral supplements. Therefore, any supplementation must be administered on an individual basis. Use the information found on this web site as precisely that: Information. You and your doctor must make any final decisions. This information is not meant to replace any doctor and patient consultation. This information should in no way replace your personal physician's advice.