My sixth cycle
30 years young
5'3 170lbs
Bf too high lol but not bad
Training following a program that is 3on 1off 2on 1off working single muscle groups Ed with some abs calves, and cardio time permitting.

Diet as close to this as I can

Protein-250 grams=1,000 cals
Fat-100 grams=900 cals
Carbs-250 grams=1000 cals
2900 total cals
Adjust as needed

15weeks total
Test sustanon 1000 ew
Eq 800ew
Deca 600ew
Dbol 50mg ed first 6 weeks
Var 100mg ed last 6 weeks weeks
Caber .5mg ew
Aromasin 25 mg eod
Nolvadex 50mg Ed
Hcg 500 iu ew start 3 days after first shot test and stop 1 week after last shot test
Clen ramp up to 150mcg 2 weeks on/off
T3 ramp up to 150mcg 6 weeks on/off OR 2 weeks on/off???

Pct continue masin and clomid 2 weeks after last shot 4 weeks 100/75/50/50 Ed