Has anyone else experimented with low doses out there? Every time I bring it up I have to hear people whine that I'm wasting gear and it won't do anything. I started my own hrt with 100mg CYP week for 10 weeks. Felt great, made some clean gains and enjoyed the hell outta it. My lab dose 100/ml ran out and I went to my UG 250/ml and was doing 1/2cc for a few weeks. I stepped it up to 1cc after a while feeling it was still a conservative dose. Through all this I've maintained 19%bf and gained 10 pounds of muscle in around 14 weeks. I'm really happy with it and figure I'll do this until I platue and start blast and cruising, blast being 250cyp/20dbol 6 weeks this winter. Just checking if there are any other like minded people out there that have been down this path.