.....running T3 50mcg for 4 months?? (last month ramp down slow from 37.5-6mcg), spiropent 80mcg 4 months (2 on 2 off), GH 2 iu ED 5/2 6 months, Enanthate 500mg EW 4 months, either 35mg winny ED or 500mg EQ EW depending on part of cycle for 4 months (like 4 weeks winny/ 8 weeks EQ/ 4 weeks winny), slin post w/o only 10iu. if i am an idiot then so be it, but i didn't think it was such a bad idea with all that gear and GH and other shit, plus i am ramping it down last month steady. i was doing 25mcg ED which i know is better off safety wise.....but i have opted for 50mcg. got EF guys *****ing at me for it.