Sup brothers iv got an important question to ask. I recently made a thread about my up coming surgery, and whether or not i should be ON at the time... Well its in 9wks from today and i just started back up last monday on 300mg test e once a week, and my blood work came back and everything is normal but my test was on the lower end @ 290 this was being 8wks off so not terrible considering at one point of me being off i had an 89 test level which was the worst thing EVER (over a year ago)!!! Anyways im back to normal for the most part and back on. So back to my point im wondering if i can do a 8wk blast (surgery is 9wks away). My blast will just be test e at 1200mg and alpha male at the recommended dose for 4wks (the test at 1200mg will be ran for 8wks then dropped one wk before surgery @ 300mg a wk till i recover. But the doctor gave me a beta blocker (carvedilol 6.25mg) so my question is will i be ok mixing a beta blocker and AAS prior to my surgery????? My question isnt regarding my cycle or the dosages cuz iv ran more before and i do pretty good on sides, i just wanna know about the beta blocker and being ON during surgery. Thanks for any help brothers! If you have any questions just ask cuz i feel like i rambled...