I was on test cyp 200mg/ml prescription for 3 months last year and had some side effects (acne, water retention) that I didn't care for. I was taking 200 mg a week, one shot a week. My free range test levels stayed around 1500. I stopped and have been off for 6 months. I have recently started taking EQ 200 mg/ml last week. I have only taken two shots and am curious to how I should take it or if I should continue. I planned on taking the 200 mg once every 5 days long term and adding to it when I felt the need. Since I have joined FG I read the "Chemical Muscle Enhancement" E-Book and saw it could elevate my RBC count after long term use. I heard I could take it for 10-12 wks and take hcg and clomid for 4-6 wks and then get back on the EQ and it would help those levels. If so how much of each do I need to take? I have the hcg already but only have 15000iu of it.

I'm 5'8" and 160lbs. What I am looking for is lean muscle. I want to be as strong as I can without gaining a lot of weight.

Sorry for the paragraph. Thanks for the help!!!