Hey team,

I have cycled for over 15 years. I have played with low 500s, to high 3000mgs weekly. I have done tons of shit.

But I wanted to see if there were different ideas on cycling that you guys may be using.

What is on hand (plenty of)

Test Enan 300mgs
Deca 300mgs
Anadrol 50mgs
masteron 200mgs
EQ 300mgs
winstrol 50mg

and I also have 2 bottles of prop, and npp that I want to use for start up.

I am currently 217lbs around 12%- 15% (December ****ed me up I ate crap for 2 weeks straight)

I am going to compete in a big show November 2013. I want to be 190lbs on stage.
I can go to 230lbs and then stay at 201 heavy on stage at 4% ripped?????

I have not been over 220 in 2 years, so my goal is to hit 230 for sure. I am 5'10nish

On my next order I would need to get some antis---nolva to probably run it 20mg ed during the cycle, and some stuff for PCT.