Hi all,
I'm planning my first trip to the dark side of tren:-) Could those with tren cycle experience give suggestions on a first tren cycle? I'm 37 yo, 210 lbs, 5'8", about 18% BF and looking to gain muscle and lose a few % BF. I'm currently running sust 350 and mast p and loving the cycle so far. This tren cycle won't be for several months so I have plenty of time to plan it. Should I run Sust and Tren, or Sust with a cut stack (tren, test, mast)? How many weeks is the tren run and at what dosage? Do I need caber or any other ancillaries ( I currently run aromasin 12.5 mg eod with sust and mast). I've heard many get sides from tren (anxiety, insomnia), but it seems like the consensus is the sides are worth it? Thanks for any advice!