Age 30
Weight 230
Bf 20%
5 years training
Long walks on the beach with adwal
Power lifting > bodybuilding

Looking at my next cycle and know tren enan is involved. I have the following lying around maybe someone can help me spell it out.

30 x 50mg drol tabs
40ml x 250mg/ml tren enan
Lots of test enan. Enough for a few cycles.

I was thinking of two options

Option 1
1-4 drol ed
1-13 750mg tren enan
1-13 500mg test enan

Option 2
1-4 drol ed
1-20 500mg tren enan
1-20 500mg test enan

Almost leaning towards the latter. Ran ace at 525 ew and sides were tolerable.

Let the discussion begin.