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      Default Trenbolone Enanthate

      Trenbolone Enanthate

      In the eyes of many performance enhancing athletes, the Trenbolone hormone is considered the single greatest anabolic steroid of all time. With Trenbolone, we have one of the most versatile steroids of all time, an anabolic steroid that can be used for nearly any purpose, and moreover at a rate of power that is unmatched. Of course, as you know most Trenbolone comes with the Acetate ester attached, but here we want to talk about Trenbolone Enanthate. Trenbolone Enanthate is the largest ester based version of the hormone; much larger than the Acetate version, and even larger than the once very popular Parabolan (Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate).

      By its direct mode of action, Trenbolone Enanthate is the same as all other forms; the properties and traits remain the same; however, the large ester attached will affect its mode of action based on time release, duration of activity and even potency will vary. A very powerful steroid indeed, often considered the ultimate steroid for cutting purposes, the Trenbolone hormone is also a fantastic bulking agent and a tremendous strength increasing steroid, but unfortunately Trenbolone Enanthate can be extremely harsh in some individuals. For reasons that may not seem fair, some people will not be able to use Trenbolone Enanthate, and while this is a principle that holds true with all steroids there will be more who cannot touch the Trenbolone hormone than just about any steroid; the majority will be fine, but there will be a larger number that cannot touch it compared to other steroids.

      With the above in mind, lets take a direct look at Trenbolone Enanthate and the powerful properties it holds. We want to look at its direct mode of action, its traits and benefits as well as possible side effects, and of course, what we can do in-order to prevent them. Well even look at comparisons between this form and other Trenbolone forms, and in doing so determine if Trenbolone Enanthate is for you.

      Trenbolone Enanthate Nature & Traits:

      Trenbolone Enanthate is a 19-nortestosterone (19-nor) anabolic androgenic steroid that carries massive anabolic and androgenic ratings of 500 in both categories; this is five times greater than testosterone in both categories. More importantly than the rating, its translating anabolic and androgenic power corresponds perfectly to its ratings; this is important because thats not always the case. For example, steroids like Halotestin and Proviron among others can be misleading based on ratings; Halotestin carries a massive androgenic rating based on its structure but displays no androgenic activity whereas Proviron carries a pretty decent anabolic rating but very low translating anabolic activity; Trenbolone Enanthate translates perfectly.

      Carrying an active half-life of approximately 8 days, Trenbolone Enanthate carries the longest active half-life of any Trenbolone form; Trenbolone Acetate carries an active half-life of approximately 3 days with Parabolan carrying an active half-life of approximately 6 days. With an 8 day half-life, you could manage with one injection per week; however, in-order to maintain stable levels, an important performance enhancement factor two injections per week or one injection every 4 days will prove to be far more efficient.

      Carrying a strong progestin nature with absolutely no aromatizing activity, Trenbolone Enanthate carries almost every positive anabolic steroidal trait known to man. While many other steroids carry some of the same properties, Trenbolone Enanthate does so at a rate of power that is second to none. Without question, the most valuable of all these traits is this steroids ability to enhance nutrient efficiency; in short, each and every gram of carbohydrates, fats and proteins you consume becomes more valuable; you utilize each one to a larger degree. For example, and this is probably the best way to look at it, if you have $1 you are able to purchase $1 of goods and services. With the Trenbolone Enanthate steroid present, this is like being able to purchase $10 worth of goods and services with the same $1. This trait is so important, its the very reason the hormonal compound first came to the market; Trenbolone came to the market in the form of Finaplix pellets; small subcutaneous implant pellets used to beef cattle up by increasing their feed efficiency.

      Beyond nutrient efficiency, Trenbolone Enanthate is one of the best steroids on earth for promoting two of the most common anabolic steroid traits known to man; enhancing protein synthesis and nitrogen retention. Protein synthesis refers to the rate by-which cells build proteins, where nitrogen retention becomes important because the more we retain the more anabolic we remain. All muscle tissue is comprised of approximately 16% nitrogen, and while that may sound like a small amount, if we fall below an optimal state we will enter into a catabolic atmosphere. Its not to hard to see how enhanced nitrogen retention can be beneficial; as for protein synthesis, protein is the building block of muscle, necessary for growth and preservation, once again we have an easy concept to understand.

      Then we have another big one as Trenbolone Enanthate will increase the release rate of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) better than just about any anabolic steroid on earth. IGF-1 is a potent protein based peptide hormone produced by all human beings that carries tremendous anabolic power and is essential to healing and rejuvenation. So powerful, not only does IGF-1 affect our muscle tissue, but also affects nearly every cell in the body and plays an important role revolving around our ligaments and tendons, central nervous system and even our lungs among other areas.

      Another common steroidal trait Trenbolone Enanthate carries, although at an unbelievable rate is the increase in red blood cell production. Red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen to and through the blood, and the more red blood cells we carry the greater our blood oxygenation levels; this will be extremely important in the benefits section based on muscular endurance. Then theres another common steroidal trait once again at a tremendous rate of power and it surrounds the reduction of glucocorticoid hormones; glucocorticoids are commonly referred to as stress hormones. While necessary to our immune system to a degree, it is very easy for stress, mental and physical to increase these muscle wasting and fat promoting hormones to an unsatisfactory level. When abundant amounts of glucocorticoids are present, especially cortisol, this can make fat loss extremely difficult as well as lean tissue building; in-fact, it can work against you in the opposite fashion. While perhaps a little simplistic, in many ways glucocorticoids are the direct opposite of anabolic androgenic steroids, but thankfully Trenbolone Enanthate can remedy this problem.

      As you can see, Trenbolone Enanthate carries numerous traits, but were not done yet. As is with most anabolic steroids, Trenbolone Enanthate will enhance your overall metabolic rate; however, it will go a step further. This is a steroid that binds firmly to the androgen receptor, and as a result directly promotes lipolysis; thats correct, Trenbolone Enanthate will directly promote fat loss. While its not the only steroid that carries this trait, when it comes to a fat burning steroid the Trenbolone hormone is king.

      The Benefits of Trenbolone Enanthate:

      In the eyes of many, the Trenbolone hormone is considered the ultimate in cutting cycles; thats not surprising with its strong metabolic increasing and fat burning properties. While those are tremendous benefits, where Trenbolone Enanthate truly shines is in its ability to greatly preserve lean muscle tissue; perhaps better than any anabolic steroid on earth. When we diet, in-order to lose body fat, not weight but body fat we must be in a caloric deficit; we must burn more calories than we consume. As a result, as the body fights change with a desire to hang onto stored body fat due to its survival nature lean muscle tissue is often sacrificed in-order to meet its energy needs. As we lose more lean muscle tissue, this slows down the metabolic rate, and of course, it makes the physique look worse; Trenbolone Enanthate will prevent this. Of course, it gets even better; through its traits, Trenbolone Enanthate will provide the ultimate in visual conditioning effects; were talking about the promotion of a dry, hard physique, and no steroid does it better.

      Beyond cutting, the benefits of Trenbolone Enanthate are tremendous when it comes to off-season bulking plans; with nutrient efficiency being promoted to such a strong degree along with all its other anabolic promoting effects this isnt hard to see. It is true, Trenbolone Enanthate is not going to pile weight on your frame at the rate of Anadrol or Dianabol; however, this non-aromatizing steroid will pile on nothing but lean tissue with no water weight due to its use, and with adequate calories it will be a significant gain. Further, and this is the big one, due to its metabolic increasing nature, Trenbolone Enanthate will enable you to gain more lean mass with less body fat accumulation that often accompanies off-season bulking phases, and this is invaluable. In-order to gain new lean tissue, unlike dieting you must be in a caloric surplus; your daily caloric intake must be slightly above maintenance. Of course, this will promote fat gain as well; however, Trenbolone Enanthate will minimize it.

      When it comes to the benefits of Trenbolone Enanthate, we could easily end our discussion with the above and youd already have a fantastic anabolic steroid, but Trenbolone continues to not disappoint. This is a steroid that will greatly increase muscular endurance, more work can be done and you will not tire out as fast. Of course, it will also play an important role in recovery and healing, but there is an interesting note. Some studies have shown the raw power of Trenbolone to be so great and extreme this enhanced rate actually weakens the tendons; however, more studies have shown the opposite affect; real life evidence shows only the positive. It should also be noted; some may find cardiovascular endurance to be slightly decreased with this steroids presence; however, it appears to be a little hit or miss meaning it doesnt appear to affect everyone in this way.

      The Side Effects of Trenbolone Enanthate:

      Theres no way to deny it; when it comes to the side effects of Trenbolone Enanthate we have one of the potentially harshest steroids on earth. As well see, this is a steroid that carries many traditional possible anabolic steroid side effects; however, it carries a group that is largely unique unto its own, and unfortunately that is very difficult to predict. As a non-aromatizing steroid, and as a result one that carries no testosterone to estrogen conversion many assume gynecomastia is of no concern; they would be wrong. As a 19-nor anabolic steroid, Trenbolone Enanthate carries a strong progestin nature, and progesterone can induce gynecomastia; however, it is typically only a problem in men who are sensitive to the condition. While a non-aromatizing steroid, Aromatase Inhibitors will protect against progesterone induced gynecomastia, and as youll more than likely be supplementing with testosterone too an Aromatase Inhibitor is a pretty good idea.

      This leads to another important point; Trenbolone Enanthate, as with all Trenbolone and 19-nor anabolic steroids is as suppressive to natural testosterone as a steroid can be. For this reason, exogenous testosterone supplementation is necessary in-order to prevent not only a potentially bothersome but extremely unhealthy low testosterone condition. The form of testosterone you choose does not matter; all that matters is you provide enough testosterone for your body for proper and healthy function.

      Beyond gynecomastia, Trenbolone Enanthate can promote high blood pressure; however, this one appears to be largely dose dependent. If you already suffer from high blood pressure, you should not touch this or any anabolic steroid, but if youre healthy and supplement with responsible doses and continue to live in a way that promotes the continuation of healthy levels you should be fine. The same can be said of cholesterol; however, to a lesser degree.

      Despite lacking no direct dihydrotestosterone (DHT) nature, Trenbolone Enanthate can be very unfriendly to the scalp; men who are predisposed to male pattern baldness will more than likely lose some of their hair; men who are not predisposed have no concern. Further, due to its extreme androgenic activity, the Trenbolone hormone can have a negative impact on the prostate by way of causing prostate enlargement; however, it can be dose dependent as well as surround other anabolic steroids being used such as those with a strong DHT nature. At any rate, it is imperative you do not supplement if you already suffer from prostate issues, and just as important you supplement with responsible doses for responsible periods of time; you must not supplement with the Trenbolone hormone indefinitely or you will greatly risk damage to your prostate. It should also be noted; the Trenbolone hormone appears to be one of the few anabolic steroids that do not carry the C17-alpha alkylated (C17-aa) nature that can increase liver enzymes, and as a result it should be treated as if it were a C17-aa anabolic steroid. Further, in some men it can cause undue stress to the kidneys; use must be of a responsible nature or you can easily get into trouble.

      The above largely represents the side effects of Trenbolone Enanthate most will need to concern themselves with; however, as mentioned there is a grouping that is a bit unique to this compound. There are four specific side effects of Trenbolone Enanthate that while they can be dose dependent they are in most cases dependent on your individualistic nature; in short, your personal response. In some ways, these side effects will not seem like much, they include anxiety, insomnia, night sweats and rapid heart rate. Such effects can be so harsh, they will display themselves in ways you cannot imagine, and far beyond what any man can tolerate. If such effects occur, you can try lowering your dose, but more than likely youll need to discontinue supplementation altogether. If your dose is of a responsible nature and such effects occur, unfortunately, this probably means the Trenbolone hormone is not for you. It may not seem fair, and maybe its not, but thats life; its not always fair.

      Comparing Trenbolones:

      With many Trenbolone forms available, three common forms, a common question is which form of Trenbolone should you choose? Of the three common forms, Trenbolone Acetate is the most powerful on a per milligram basis as its ester takes up less mass in the compound than any other form; more of the mass is actual Trenbolone. Further, it is much easier to maintain stable and peaked blood levels with the Acetate form, and this raises a question; why would we ever consider Trenbolone Enanthate? The only reason you might choose Trenbolone Enanthate over the often viewed superior Acetate version is based on injection frequency; Trenbolone Enanthate only has to be injected twice a week or once every four days, whereas the Acetate version must be injected every other day. Even so, while this is the largest difference, many report the benefits of the Acetate version are more effective and efficient than the Enanthate version; you may have to find out for yourself. It should be noted; theres really no distinct benefit when it comes to Parabolan; however, its the most expensive due to myths and legends that surround it, and one of the most expensive steroids out there in many cases.

      When deciding on a Trenbolone form, there is an important note; if you have never supplemented with Trenbolone before your first time must not be with Trenbolone Enanthate. If you end up being a poor responder and you have Trenbolone Enanthate in your system, even after you discontinue use you will have to wait weeks before the side effects dissipate due to the large ester. If its your first time, only choose the Acetate version, and if you run into trouble you can discontinue and the side effects will fade away in a few days. If you supplement with the Acetate version and enjoy a positive response, your next go around and then and only then can you consider Trenbolone Enanthate
      (Trenbolone without Ester shown)

      • (Trenbolone Base + Enanthate Ester)
      • [17beta-Hydroxyestra-4,9,11-trien-3-one]
      • Formula (base): C18 H22 O2
      • Formula (ester): C7 H12 O
      • Molecular Weight (base): 270.3706
      • Molecular Weight (ester): 130.1864
      • Melting Point (base): 183-186C
      • Manufacturer: Stark, Dpharm, Various
      • Effective Dose (Men): 300-600mgs/wk
      • Effective Dose (Women): Not recommended
      • Active life: 8 days
      • Detection Time: 5 months
      • Anabolic/Androgenic ratio: 500/500
      Disclaimer: Steroid use is illegal in a vast number of countries around the world. This is not without reason. Steroids should only be used when prescribed by your doctor and under close supervision. Steroid use is not to be taken lightly and we do not in any way endorse or approve of illegal drug use. The information is provided on the same basis as all the other information on this site, as informational/entertainment value.

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      Default Re: Trenbolone Enanthate

      Trenbolone Enanthate
      Trenbolone Enanthate

      For bulking up, there may be no better steroid than trenbolone and with enanthate ester, users will only need one injection per week. Its anabolic effect is five times that of testosterone and it doesn’t convert to estrogen, which makes it free from side effects like gynocomastia, water-retention, etc.
      Trenbolone is not without its fair share of side effects, however. Testicular atrophy, hair loss, enlarged prostate and acne have been reported from using this drug. Trenbolone will also shut down the body’s natural testosterone production, which can lead to sexual dysfunction.
      Trenbolone Enanthate is only available from underground labs and was not designed for human consumption, although it is considered to be an ideal drug for bodybuilders who want to burn fat and gain muscle, although its long ester makes unwise for professional athletes who undergo testing to use.
      Trenbolone is a very potent androgen with strong anabolic activity. It is well suited for the rapid buildup of strength and muscle mass, usually providing the user exceptional results in a relatively short time period. The anabolic effect of this drug is often compared to popular bulking agents such as testosterone or Dianabol, with one very important difference. Trenbolone does not convert to estrogen. This is indeed a very unique compound since mass drugs, almost as a rule, will aromatize (or cause other estrogen related troubles) heavily. When we think of taking milder (regarding estrogen) steroids we usually expect much weaker muscle growth, but not so with Trenbolone. Here we do not have to worry about estrogen related side effects, yet still have an extremely potent mass/strength drug. There is no noticeable water retention, so the mass gained during a cycle of Trenbolone will be very hard and defined (providing fat levels are low enough). Gynecomastia is also not much of a concern, so there shouldn’t be any need to addition an anti-estrogen if trenbolone is the only steroid administered.
      The high androgen level resulting from this steroid, in the absence is excess estrogen, can also accelerate the burning of body fat. The result should be a much tighter physique, hopefully without the need for extreme dieting. Trenbolone can therefore help bring about an incredibly hard, ripped physique and is an ideal product for competitive bodybuilders.
      Trenbolone is notably more potent than testosterone, and has an effect that is as much as three times as strong on a milligram for milligram basis. Likewise we can expect to see some level of androgenic side effects with use of this compound. Oily skin, aggressive behavior, acne and hair loss are therefore not uncommon during a cycle with this steroid. The androgenic nature of this drug of course makes it a very risky item for women to use, the chance for virilization symptoms extremely high with such a potent androgen.
      Trenbolone is also much more potent than testosterone at suppressing endogenous androgen production. This makes clear the fact that estrogen is not the only culprit with negative feedback inhibition, as here there is no buildup of this hormone to report here. There is however some activity as a progestin inherent in this compound, as trenbolone is a 19-nortestosterone (nandrolone) derivative (a trait characteristic of these compounds). However it seems likely that much of its suppressive nature still stems from its powerful androgen action. With the strong impact trenbolone has on endogenous testosterone, of course the use of a stimulating drug such as HCG and/or Clomid/Nolvadex is recommended when concluding steroid therapy (a combination is preferred). Without their use it may take a prolonged period of time for the hormonal balance to resume, as the testes may at first not be able to normally respond to the resumed output of endogenous gonadotropins due to an atrophied state. Those who have used Trenbolone regularly would often claim it to be indispensable. A daily dosage of 37.5-75 mg is the most popular range when running a cycle. While Trenbolone is quite potent when used alone, it was generally combined with other steroids for an even greater effect. During a cutting phase one could add a non-aromatizing anabolic such as Winstrol or Primobolan. Such combinations will elicit a greater level density and hardness to the muscle. One could also bulk with this drug, with the addition of stronger compounds like Dianabol or Testosterone. While the mass gain would be quite formidable with such a stack, some level of water retention would probably also accompany it. Moderately effective anabolics such Deca-Durabolin or Equipoise would be somewhat of a halfway point, providing extra strength and mass but without the same level of water bloat we see with more readily aromatized steroids.

      Comments are closed.

      Disclaimer: Steroid use is illegal in a vast number of countries around the world. This is not without reason. Steroids should only be used when prescribed by your doctor and under close supervision. Steroid use is not to be taken lightly and we do not in any way endorse or approve of illegal drug use. The information is provided on the same basis as all the other information on this site, as informational/entertainment value.

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      Default Re: Trenbolone Enanthate

      Trenbolone Enanthate
      Trenbolone Enanthate

      Trenbolone-Enanthate is without question one of the single greatest anabolic androgenic steroids of all time. A pure Trenbolone hormone, this is the longest ester base version available on the market, and while it's not as commonly available as Trenbolone-Acetate it is a fantastic product. In the eyes of many, Trenbolone-Acetate is the king of kings when it comes to the Trenbolone hormone; it's the same Trenbolone hormone found in Trenbolone-Enanthate, but many feel the Acetate version is easier to control; we concur. The Acetate version is a bit easier to use; it must be injected far more often than the Enanthate version, but it's easier to maintain peaked and stable blood levels with. Further, on a per milligram basis, the Acetate version is more potent, so why would anyone choose to use Trenbolone-Enanthate? The biggest reason is it doesn't require as many injections; two injections per week will work, whereas Trenbolone-Acetate needs to be injected every other day to even daily. Further, if you understand the Enanthate version, you will find you can garner the same results with this version; the problem is many don't know how to use it. For example, 100mg of Trenbolone-Acetate will yield 87mg of active Trenbolone hormone; the rest being ester. Conversely, 100mg of Trenbolone-Enanthate will yield 72mg of active Trenbolone hormone; the rest being ester. What this tells us is you must inject a larger Enanthate dose to reach the same Acetate dose, and many don't, and that's why they fall short.
      Assuming you know how to dose this steroid properly, and from reading the above you do, you will find this is an anabolic steroid that carries nearly every primary anabolic steroid trait and at immense levels of power. Further, when it comes to a versatile anabolic steroid, nothing is as versatile as Tren as its commonly known, and this means Trenbolone-Enanthate can be used for any cycle. While a tremendous bulking steroid, more so than many tend to realize, without question it is the premier cutting steroid of all time; further, when it comes to an increase in strength very few compounds can match it. One of the few anabolic steroids that promotes direct fat-loss, this is a steroid that will see your muscular endurance skyrocket and your recovery rate greatly enhanced.
      While a truly amazing steroid, Trenbolone-Enanthate is not what we can label the ultimate in-regards to a side-effect friendly nature. Tren carries quite a few possible side-effects, and they are combatable, but it also carries a few that are quite unpredictable. When dosing levels go too high, this can cause such a problem, but more times than not these unpredictable effects will be response related. This is an anabolic steroid that many men will not be able to use; more so than just about any anabolic steroid. Make no mistake, most men will be able to supplement, but some will simply display a poor response. It may not seem fair, and as Trenbolone-Enanthate is such a powerfully effective steroid maybe it's not fair, but life isn't always fair, and there's simply nothing we can do about it. From your first experience with this hormone, you'll know right away if you are such an individual, and this brings us to another point. For your first Tren cycle, you should not supplement with Trenbolone-Enanthate; instead, you must choose the Acetate version. If you happen to be one of the unlucky few, the last thing you want is the large ester version in your system. If the unpredictable side-effects hit, you'll need to discontinue use immediately, and if you're using the Acetate version they'll fade away in a few days; however, if you're using the Enanthate version it's going to take a few weeks, and that can be miserable.
      In any case, if you're curious about Trenbolone-Enanthate, we assure you you'll find all the information you need here today. We'll go over every last aspect of this steroidal compound, from its nature and traits, its benefits and of course, every last possible side-effect. In doing so, you'll understand not only what this hormone can do, but more importantly how it can be used safely and effectively in-order to reach your goals; after all, safe and effective supplementation is the key to successful supplementation.
      Disclaimer: Steroid use is illegal in a vast number of countries around the world. This is not without reason. Steroids should only be used when prescribed by your doctor and under close supervision. Steroid use is not to be taken lightly and we do not in any way endorse or approve of illegal drug use. The information is provided on the same basis as all the other information on this site, as informational/entertainment value.

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      Default Re: Trenbolone Enanthate

      Quote Originally Posted by FUZO View Post
      Trenbolone Enanthate

      Trenbolone-Enanthate is without question one of the single greatest anabolic androgenic steroids of all time.
      AGREED, looooooove Tren E.

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      Default Re: Trenbolone Enanthate

      This is exactly the thread i have been looking for. ran ace in the past with no sides and looking forward to running a healthy dose of enan for my next cycle.

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      Default Re: Trenbolone Enanthate

      Great post. Thank Fuzo. It has been such a long time since I used Tren. It was back around 2004. Im sure it has changed a lot since those days. I think I would like to add it in for a cycle with the test I have been taking for years for trt.
      I would like to know what have been the experiences with Tren of guys on this board. Anyone notice any blood pressure issues or increased heart rate when taking Tren?

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      Loving my current tren E cycle! Best I've had in years!

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      Default Re: Trenbolone Enanthate

      I'm sold

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      Default Re: Trenbolone Enanthate

      Mmmmmmmmm TREN
      Squats make the world go round.

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      Default Re: Trenbolone Enanthate

      i think i have some e in the stash,about to say hello to it

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      Default Re: Trenbolone Enanthate

      My first run with Tren E right now. So far so good! Nice increase in strength and minimal sides. For you guys who have run Tren E before, when do you really feel it "kick"? I'm assuming 4 weeks like test e?

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      Default Re: Trenbolone Enanthate

      Quote Originally Posted by mfdvr View Post
      My first run with Tren E right now. So far so good! Nice increase in strength and minimal sides. For you guys who have run Tren E before, when do you really feel it "kick"? I'm assuming 4 weeks like test e?
      Technically 3 weeks roughly but for me it is like 4-5weeks but I also keep tren e dose pretty low.

      About to crack it open again in a few weeks!

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      Default Re: Trenbolone Enanthate

      Quote Originally Posted by 6p6 View Post
      Technically 3 weeks roughly but for me it is like 4-5weeks but I also keep tren e dose pretty low.

      About to crack it open again in a few weeks!
      Nice. I'm feeling a good kick now (3 weeks in) and I'm not sure how much is from the tren a (100 mg eod) or the tren e (250 mg eod) though I'm thinking it's probably both but mostly he tren a. I think I'll ditch the tren a in a week when the tren e has fully kicked in and run it at 600 mg a week for 10-12 weeks alongside 350 mg test e a week....

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      Default Re: Trenbolone Enanthate

      With any enanthate I recommend front loading if your desired amount is 400 mg a week then on your first pin do 800mg by your 2nd week you blood levels should be at the desired amount. Rather thsn waiting for week 4-5.

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      Default Re: Trenbolone Enanthate

      I've only used acetate so far. I'm thinking about doing tren e with a t-bol kick start for my next cycle.

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