Testosterone is the undisputed king of steroids mainly because it is safe, elicits rapid mass and strength gains while maintaining libido, a sense of well-being and energy. It’s not uncommon for a first time user to gain 15-20lbs of LBM in a standard testosterone cycle.

TNE stands for Testosterone No Ester. It’s 100% pure testosterone similar to aqueous Testosterone Suspension however TNE is technically a solution not a suspension. Since Testosterone powder is not highly water soluble, the steroid will noticeably separate from water and solvent solutions when the vial is left sedentary. The microcrystals of aqueous suspension will sustain an elevated testosterone release for several days. TNE contains no visible Testosterone crystals because they are in the oil solution. There are no crystals to slowly absorb into the injection site. Therefore when you inject TNE there is a very rapid increase in blood Testosterone levels that falls off faster than standard aqueous Testosterone suspension. TNE packs a big instant wallop when injected. TNE is arguably the fastest Testosterone product available today.Another advantage of TNE is you may use very small gauge needles to inject it. There are no crystals in TNE to clog the pin so an insulin syringe is no problem with TNE.

TNE is the most potent form of Testosterone because it does not possess an ester. Esters are calculated into the steroid weight therefore esterfied steroids are not a true mg for mg of free hormone. 100mg of TNE is 100mg of free hormone! Enanthate in a solution is only 72mg of free hormone per 100mg. You can see that TNE is pure steroid.