Quote Originally Posted by 6p6 View Post
I found someone citing palumbo in their study…now I can’t seem to find it either. Lmao!

This person was a big met guy but changed his tune but to be honest I wasn’t impressed with his “study”. Once again just like the “too many out of shape people being tested” for a study this was all pro top of class bodybuilders.

I’m 46, been training since 13. I’ve hit a bad patch of health, life, stress, injuries, liver issues which took me at 5’10” to 278lbs. Met has been seemingly help with the liver issues on top of insulin sensitivity. I’ve had IBS for decades and guess what! 95% gone. My water weight do to non alcoholic fatty liver is clearing up…I’m down a solid 8 lbs of water, fat, and gunk!

I’ve always put muscle on easy and instinctively trained. The forty’s have a been a shit show. It’s only been 3 weeks and it’s helped me regain some confidence. Back keeping macros in check. I literally have taken 2 completely off rest days since day 1 of met.

It is very early so the things guns are pointing out are of great concern for me but I’ve got to see to my over all health and athleticism.

Guns quick question, with out knowing about the igf issue would I know? I mean, the goal for us iron warriors is always strength and size but deep down I’m trying to drop size, not muscle. My strength is even higher and still hits the strong af level! 2nd question would be just taking 500mg once daily maybe helping avoid these issues? I’m reading guys taking 1500-2500 on average.

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6 so since you arent having any gastro issues at all then that is a positive because that's the biggest complaint that most people find with it. another one to watch out for is horrible cramping at night even when you didnt train at all and people i have known with this issue were dosing at 5-1000 daily. so those are a couple to look at.

now with it surpressing your igf and knowing if it is doing so without labs. watch your pumps and how flat you are through the day. that's a huge indicator since you are becoming insulin sensitive and your pumps should be god awful painful. how you would pull labs and how i did it was this: take 4-5ius daily for 7 days. then on the 8th day do your 4ius first thing in the am and then go get them pulled. the last shot doesnt matter but the 7 prior should have you super elevated or even off the chart. i cant remember off top of my head but at 3ius i am pretty sure mine without met were 400 or just a tad bit over 4 and with it they came back at 60-70 with the same protocol.

i dont think 500 is a deal breaker but i would watch for side effects over time. the highest the doc had me at was 500 2x daily before he pulled it and to be honest it really didnt help my glucose control much at all. pay attention to the pump though haha that seems to be the best marker for going to far since you dont have the gut issues.

also with the liver, i would blast some glutathiome(sp) and tudca for a couple of months and see how that does with your liver.