Quote Originally Posted by jolter604 View Post
I figure at my age getting off sooner would be better. I was also thinking about waiting longer in between.
I only get blood work like twice a year.
My slacking will catch up to me soon enough. Trt at 41


i am quite a bit older than you are and i can bet you i have ran much harder and longer with the shittiest health genetics on the planet. if you are going to be in this game and do so reasonably you need to do labs much more frequent than 2x per year. you could be on two months and take 6 months off and still be in the danger zone because you never know without the labs.
on a side note say you are trucking along making great progress and then you set a specific time for your run. again you are making the best progress ever and now you have to shut it down because of some arbitrary time frame. no, pull labs and see where you are sitting and then make the call. if mine get dicked up then i get them into range and stay in range for at least 2-3 months. then check em again and fire it up. then i do 6 week blocks of labs. if they get funky i pull what i am doing and clean it up.
cardio health supps etc... has allowed me to be able to stay on pretty much the full last 2 years again i am older than you and have been doing this crazy shit for almost 25 years. even when my labs are good before i fire a prep up i take 5-6 or sometimes even 8 weeks to clear out and let my body chill even if it is good because i know i am about to put it through the ringer. my bp is perfect, my heart is perfect right now etc... i have echos done every 6 months also because i am high risk from genetics. stay on top of your healthy and your numbers and you can push it as hard and long as you want.