Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
There needs to be a straight pride month. We deserve our own month because without babies, the country will not survive. This pride month crap is out of control. Its now about recruiting children. I saw a video of a drag queen doing like a burlesque scene with a sign that said "Its not going to lick itself" in front of little kids who were handing her dollar bills like they were in a strip club.. Wtf is this world coming to?
i am of the opinion of this. what you do in your bedroom walking around or whatever doesnt have any impact on me at all. i just dont want it shoved in my face. it goes with being gay, trans religion politics and pretty much everything else. keep your business to your damn self.

their is a reason why we are damn near last in education, infrastructure and pretty much everything else in society. our schools and society are focused on the wrong shit point blank period. boys dressing as girls playing girls sports. blah blah blah. how about we focus on reading writing math and history(actual history). kids today cant even write in cursive anymore. hell, their are high school seniors and college grads that cant even identify the 3 branches of gov. how fucked up is that. yet the want free shit and all the other social garbage that is being spewed.