Awesome dirt! Intermittent fasting leads to far less cancer chance and overall health.

I read an article about the middle east having the lowest cancer rates per capita. They theorize one of the reasons is Ramadan. They fast from sunup to sundown for a month. This one month a year seems to contribute significantly to less cancer in the populous. Also very very low alcohol consumption and consume a lot of tumeric which may also reduce cancers. Oddly they have one of the highest sugar consumption rates in the world, diabetes and obesity are also high. If they dropped the sugar they may well be the healthiest people on the planet.

Man I went off didn't I, sorry.

Fasting reduces glucose levels in the blood, making it harder for cancer cells to grow. These cells feed on glucose, consuming it at a much higher level than normal cells do. During fasting, one way cells try to conserve energy is by making it easier for cell membranes to metabolize insulin. This improves insulin’s ability to remove glucose from the blood. Reducing the glucose available to cancer cells hinders cancerous growth.

Anyway, I try to do one day a week where I eat at 2pm and then 5pm but only water the rest of the time. (Not doing very good right now) Studies show this gives many of the benefits of a full on fast without the major hunger pain.

Skelator, give it a try, either the intermittent fasting or the detox diet or both. You will be amazed how good you feel.