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    Thread: Gyms and COVID-19

    1. #31
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      • Gyms and COVID-19
      None of the gyms here are requiring masks or vaccines thank goodness. But today I went to get a hair cut at supercuts and the chick walked up all masked and asked me if I was vaccinated and If I had a mask, I said no, Im not vaccinated and I dont have a mask. She became hateful but said she would cut my hair and that she was paranoid about covid. I said no thinks, Im not comfortable with you cutting my hair and walked th efuck out

    2. #32
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      Default Re: Gyms and COVID-19

      the media is a powerful tool, they have people scared to death. the media produces fear and fear is control. if people turned off the tv and radios, just paid attention to their surroundings the fear and control would go away. yes covid is bad. yes covid can kill you however so can the common cold, a drunk driver, a crazy neighbor or random junkie.. we have to all live with a multiple of uncertainties in life. ive had covid. most people around me have had covid. it sucked but the fear is what makes its so much worse. the hard core mask crew is afraid. i get it. but those same people often rely on others for safety and comfort, both those things dont exist in the hands of others.. we live in crazy times. i respect the hard core mask crew thats their thing as long as they dont try to drop kick my choices.

      fortunately i live in a place where the masked and unmasked dont go to war over dumb shit.

    3. #33
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      Default Re: Gyms and COVID-19

      in our country, gyms are closed again for a month

    4. #34
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      Default Re: Gyms and COVID-19

      Quote Originally Posted by jurgen View Post
      in our country, gyms are closed again for a month
      Man that totally sucks. I'm lucky I live in an area where ours are open and back to normal. Well, as normal as it can get. I remember back in 2020 when they closed here for a month or so. I hated it and had to get creative with my workouts.
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    5. #35
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      Gyms and COVID-19

    6. #36
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      Default Re: Gyms and COVID-19

      My gym doesn’t require wearing a mask , but even if it did, I would wear one to go. No way am I not training and I do not think there will ever be anymore closings again.
      I do not want to get political, but I think the American people #1 have had enough of Covid and #2 will not allow themselves to be shut down again and be told they cannot do things or go places or anything of that sort.
      YES, there are stipulations, but if the U.S. were to try to close down again, there would be Armageddon!!
      This isn’t Australia or Canada where they are pretty much under the mercy of the government and cannot do much when things are put into motion by these corrupt fuckers.
      I’m going to train , try my best to be healthy and safe for myself and my son, and try and live my life the best I possibly can.

    7. #37
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      Default Re: Gyms and COVID-19

      My gym hasn't required them nor has my suburb...there's a couple idiots still wearing them and 99% of businesses don't ask you to wear them even in liberal Dane County (Madistan not madison)...they have it posted but know they're losing more business by enforcing a suggestion that's not a law and only a press release...they push fear and hope it trickles downhill

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    8. #38
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      Default Re: Gyms and COVID-19

      Me and my fam are over covid. My son had it the worst as me and the wife took my supp regimen and ivermectin. Our cases were very mild, no fever or coughing just mild lethargy, headache and some joint pain and tummy troubles. Really felt like I worked out hard then came home and chugged 4 beers. HAHA

      My son waited until he was coughing and pretty sick and his work sent him to get tested, he thought it was allergies as they have been BAD. As soon as I dosed him he got better within 24 hours. Now he has a slight residual cough but feels 99% with zero other nagging symptoms.

      All of us unvaxxed. Now we got that natty immunity. Hell two years of not wearing masks, not social distancing, being around people and now we get it?
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    9. #39
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      • Gyms and COVID-19
      • Gyms and COVID-19
      Quote Originally Posted by jipped genes View Post
      Me and my fam are over covid. My son had it the worst as me and the wife took my supp regimen and ivermectin. Our cases were very mild, no fever or coughing just mild lethargy, headache and some joint pain and tummy troubles. Really felt like I worked out hard then came home and chugged 4 beers. HAHA

      My son waited until he was coughing and pretty sick and his work sent him to get tested, he thought it was allergies as they have been BAD. As soon as I dosed him he got better within 24 hours. Now he has a slight residual cough but feels 99% with zero other nagging symptoms.

      All of us unvaxxed. Now we got that natty immunity. Hell two years of not wearing masks, not social distancing, being around people and now we get it?
      pretty much the same in my house man. my kid brought it home to us from high school. we have natuaal immunity now but i am sure we will end up getting it again. it's the new cold/flu for us that have had it most likely
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