Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
Feelin good. Bought a hot tub last week so now I am putting the strongest jet right on that shoulder about 6 times a day for 20 minutes and I'll be damned, never underestimate the healing power of water. Pain is going down and am able to do curls with 15 pound dumbell and rows with a 45 without any pain, also am doing partial pullups with no problem. My reps might be only 2 or 3 inches, but its enough.. I think I can heal this. Im going to give it 4-6 months. Got to be patient and take it slow. The power that made the body can heal the body.
bpc 157 for starters to heal and lower inflammation during rehab process. dont forget to ice a few times daily as well. they make some pretty cool wraps that you can wear and keep it on the specific area. maybe you can get it to heal up on it's own man, that would be nice but also keep in mind if you blow the entire rotator cuff you will really be screwed. you wont be able to use that arm at all until it is fixed