So, Mk677 is legit bud...the only sarm I've been able to say unequivocally is as good as every one says or better. Now everyones journey is different but here's the deal...and why I didn't come off of it for almost 18 months. The beginning sucks a giant elephant turd when it comes to lethargy. I've never had gh hit me that hard but its brutal...its almost like each movement, and I'm not talking gym...I'm talking like lifting your hand to touch your you can feel the bones moaning, muscles ticking like some robotic gears and the tendons under tension like power lines!

How to beat the lethargy...take at up slowly instead of just taking a full 30mg. The lab rat research I had on it said anything more than 30 mg is a waste...its a threshold of pushing your own pituitary gland. I also found taking a low dose gh or some other peptide like semorelin really helped. I also saw no difference between 20mg and 30mg.

I'd get liquid and put liquid into a gel cap which gave me slightly more than 3/4 dose at 30mg.

One of those ones once you get it going it doesn't need to be cycled in us old farts!